Category: pastel

  • Hands number six and seven



    This post follows on from 100 hands and, funnily enough, has more hands ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Just draw.



    I recently finished an eight week drawing course – Creative Drawing with Lauryn Arnott at Gallery One. I enjoyed it and really found it worthwhile, and it has certainly affected my current art direction. I originally chose it because I desperately needed to continue some regular art practise with other people. I spent a year…

  • 100 hands



    I discovered a new challenge last week. What can I say, Iโ€™m a sucker for a new challenge. Whether or not I succeed at the challenge is always a question, but I love starting new ones.

  • Another hand



    And now blogging is giving me a kick to art more…yay! Tired tonight. It has been a long week and it is not going to stop until at least Easter, but at least I should get a little sleep in tomorrow. It is my youngest’s fifth birthday today and she has a party on Sunday,…

  • Winter returns



    The temperature is forecast to dip below 20C this week, the final sign that summer is truly leaving and the April rains are due. Here comes the cold. I’m not a fan of winter, however for the first time in a long time we will be travelling interstate this year right in the depths of…

  • Some days they just don’t work out right – A Piece a Week 4



    I was really happy with my success with Izzy’s portrait, so, of course, I wanted a similar one of my elder daughter too.

  • Arty daydreams – Artful Creations Day 10



    You ever have those days where you spend hours doing the ‘have to’ tasks, but while you are doing them, all you can think of doing is your ‘want to’ tasks? And you keep yourself going throughout the day looking forward to when you have completed all the have-tos and can play – only to…

  • Artful Creations Daily Blog Hop – Day 1



    Soft pastel on black pastel paper, Bloodlily is a drawing of a lily that doesn’t really exist.

  • Spring has sprung paint



    It is so wonderful to have some sunny weather to paint in. Last weekend I grabbed my acrylics and set up on the back porch and threw together to beginnings of a randomish painting (mainly because the canvas I’m using has a thread pull in it and I had to wait for the other two…

  • Pastel portrait of Izzy



    And I have my first face for 29 Faces! Started off as a quick sketch, but actually took me most of the day. Here is a pastel portrait of my youngest daughter, two and a half year old Izzy.