Spring has sprung paint

Paint Party Friday

It is so wonderful to have some sunny weather to paint in. Last weekend I grabbed my acrylics and set up on the back porch and threw together to beginnings of a randomish painting (mainly because the canvas I’m using has a thread pull in it and I had to wait for the other two I’d gessoed to dry). Didn’t know what I wanted to paint, I just slapped it down. It is wonderfully freeing, especially since the canvas was a dud one so it didn’t matter what I did to it, I couldn’t use it to make saleable art anyway.

So there was green, there was yellow, there was iridescence…

Fairy forest

…and then I ran out of light. But it is a start and it has all sorts of possibilities and I have ideas of what I want to do next with it. Heh, my sister took one look at it and asked if she could have it. It’s not finished yet 😀

When I wasn’t outside, I had daringly set up my pastels in the loungeroom (yes, right above my pale green carpet and amongst the two children). This enabled me to get my teeth into my latest portrait. Unfortunately said portrait and I have been having an ongoing discussion as to whether it is going to take on a likeness. There has been erasure of pastel and much moving of features and it is still not right. But it is getting there. I had hoped to have this finished for Sunday Sketches last week, but I didn’t make it. I’ve since had the carpets steam cleaned so the painting is stashed in my studio awaiting a chance to go outside. Its days in the loungeroom have ended 🙁  …which shortens my working time, but hopefully it will be finished soon. Hmm, Izzy’s was much easier than this one.


I have lots of in-progress shots for this piece, so hopefully it will turn out well enough that I can post its evolution from structural sketch, to old woman, to finally my daughter (I never said I was good at this portraiture thing :D).

And these are my submissions for Paint Party Friday this week. Don’t forget to drop in on all the other wonderful artists taking part in this weekly checkin.

Oh, and courtesy of Michelle Kral, here is a mixed media speed painting I know I found inspiring, so I thought I would share.

Hope you’re having a creative week!
Best wishes,


16 responses to “Spring has sprung paint”

  1. I love the progress on the pastel… the other one you did was just stunning… as to setting up the pastels where there is carpet and children… I salute your bravery…xx

  2. The eyes on that portrait are simply stunning – I can’t wait to see how it turns out. I like the first painting – the idea of the sun shining through a gap in the trees is what came to mind – no wonder your sister wants it already!

  3. Love the first painting. I see gum trees and mid day sun. Your portrait is amazing too. You are so talented

  4. Terrific works in progress. Enjoy the weekend, happy PPF, Annette x

  5. The eyes on your portrait are amazing and the canvas looks as if it will be great as well, love the yellow

  6. Love your painting and how the light looks as though its permeating from within!!
    Happy PPF!!

  7. oh my gosh…. the sun bursting through the woods is beautiful just as it is! You could take it in so many different directions but it would also make a powerful impression as it stands right now!

  8. That first painting has so much potential. I loved the video your shared, maybe its inspiration for you to use that way of painting on your first one. The pastel is coming along beautifully. Happy PPF

  9. I think you are wonderful at portraits! This one is beautiful and I hope to see the finished result soon. The eyes are beautifully done. .

  10. I adore Michelle Kral. She is gorgeous and so is her work!!

    I love where your painting has started going…isn’t the spring weather just delightful. I am loving the light and sun and warmth. Not to mention all the green and blossoms.

    I absolutely adore your pastel work as well. Absolutely stunning, beautiful work, hard to imagine that is pastels. So lifelike already, the eyes are amazing.

  11. I can’t do anything with pastels but make a mess, so your portrait is pretty amazing to me.

    Love the painting too, I can totally see why your sister wanted it just as it is.

  12. this is such a beautiful portrait-the eyes are captivating-what talent!!

  13. i think your portrait looks great. the eyes are amazing. can’t wait to see more as you progress with it. very nice!

  14. Very inspirational post!! Love your artwork awesome movement, and the pastel face is fabulous. Thanks for sharing…

    Video was wonderful too!

    Hugs Giggles

  15. Love both pieces. Love the colours in the first one, and that pastel portrait is coming along great!

  16. I enjoyed your video – love all those splashes of vivid colour! And the first image – work in progress – is very expressive – happy i think with all that yellow and curvy brush strokes. You might like to share your work on Mandarin Orange Monday – perhaps your video!