Category: ink

  • Inktober 2017

    Inktober 2017

    Yes, I’m making the attempt!

  • Kookaburra

    Kwik and kwirky tonight. This be a kookaburra. This be an earworm to any and all Aussies (and, according to Wikipedia, a good percentage of the world at large). ‘Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree Merry, merry, king of the bush is he. Laugh, kookaburra, laugh, kookaburra, Gay your life must be.’ And the…

  • Life Inspired for Sunday Sketches

    I do have to apologise for this new Life Inspired cartoon. I couldn’t help myself.

  • Cupid stings

    Cupid stings

    I’ve dug up a cartoon that I never I’ve never shown at Sunday Sketches (in fact it was drawn the week after I posted my first ever Sunday Sketches submission back in November 2010). He’s here sitting on my hard drive doing nothing much and as he is a cute little thing, I thought it…

  • Paint Party Friday

    Paint Party Friday

    This painting was done nearly two years ago (full post about it here) and was also for Illustration Friday. Done in craft paint before I had any idea of what I was doing and while my youngest ws still a baby so done at the speed of light, but I have to say, despite its…

  • Illustration Friday – Teacher

    It has been a long time since I’ve participated in Illustration Friday, (past efforts) but it is a great challenge to play in with some absolutely fantastic artists participating, so I’ve been looking for some inspiration in response to their challenges for some time now. I finally was determined enough to sit down and actually…

  • More watercolour and pen work

    I have two sketches this week to submit for Sunday Sketches. The first is the second in the new series of ‘Life inspired’ scribbles I’m doing. The second sketch…well, I’ll let you make up your mind about that one.

  • Life inspired

    For quite some time now I have been admiring pen and watercolourists like Tracey Fletcher King and Blue Chair Diary Illustrations and their techniques of mixing these two wonderful media. I have never attempted watercolour and pen together before and since my watercolour experience is minimal, I tend to find that part of the equation…

  • 30 Days of Creativity – Days 6, 7 & 8.

    I did scribble, but at least I did something.

  • L is for Line

    One of the assignments we were given was to draw a picture six times in six different ways. It did prove to be a challenging exercise and introduced me to the concept of different linework and some of the interesting effects that can be achieved. It took nearly eighteen years for the concept to hit…