Category: cartooning

  • Manic May

    Blink and it is a month since I posted. May was, well, May was nuts. A combination of work crazy, health hiccups and an art stall (not the market kind – the drat it, art is not happening kind!) But I do have some show and tell. First up is the source of my art…

  • The Case of the Annoying Portrait

    This is a story of a portrait that just wouldn’t behave.

  • Dragons

    Since about December last year, this household has been alive with Dragons. Dreamworks Dragons to be exact. Myself, and both my two girls have been madly watching every little bit of this world we can get our hands on, particularly my youngest who recently had her fifth birthday and a Dreamworks Dragons party to celebrate.…

  • A fling with iridescent gel

    I am having a love affair with iridescent gel. I can’t seem to get away from it, not that I want to. I can’t help but throw some into almost all my paintings at the moment. I just love the lustre.

  • Life Inspired for Sunday Sketches

    I do have to apologise for this new Life Inspired cartoon. I couldn’t help myself.

  • Cupid stings

    Cupid stings

    I’ve dug up a cartoon that I never I’ve never shown at Sunday Sketches (in fact it was drawn the week after I posted my first ever Sunday Sketches submission back in November 2010). He’s here sitting on my hard drive doing nothing much and as he is a cute little thing, I thought it…

  • Paint Party Friday

    Paint Party Friday

    This painting was done nearly two years ago (full post about it here) and was also for Illustration Friday. Done in craft paint before I had any idea of what I was doing and while my youngest ws still a baby so done at the speed of light, but I have to say, despite its…

  • Illustration Friday – Teacher

    It has been a long time since I’ve participated in Illustration Friday, (past efforts) but it is a great challenge to play in with some absolutely fantastic artists participating, so I’ve been looking for some inspiration in response to their challenges for some time now. I finally was determined enough to sit down and actually…

  • More watercolour and pen work

    I have two sketches this week to submit for Sunday Sketches. The first is the second in the new series of ‘Life inspired’ scribbles I’m doing. The second sketch…well, I’ll let you make up your mind about that one.

  • 29 Faces wrap up

    I just sat down and drew and as I drew she got uglier and uglier and soon that ugly was doing its best to camouflage the fact that my perspective skills suck big time and it began claiming that the wonky eye is just a natural deformity for a goblin librarian.