

Since about December last year, this household has been alive with Dragons. Dreamworks Dragons to be exact.

Dreamworks dragons
Image from HowtoTrainYourDragon.com

Myself, and both my two girls have been madly watching every little bit of this world we can get our hands on, particularly my youngest who recently had her fifth birthday and a Dreamworks Dragons party to celebrate.

I made icecream cake.

Toothless cake

And a skrill pinata that kinda got out of control and huge.

skrill pinata

And fun was had by a handful of five year olds.

But why am I posting that here? Apart from the arty stuff required to make the two creations above, this dragon craze had an effect on my art. But for another moment, I have to go back a few years to a piece of artwork I played with while my youngest was still under the age of one.

purple dragon

This drawing was never finished. It was done using the very first version of online DA Muro, probably with my left hand as I had a baby in the other, on my old laptop sitting on the couch. Back in 2010, there was no Save button on DA Muro, so you had to do whatever you were doing all in one session, hence the unfinished factor. I started with the eye because I love drawing eyes, and then needed to situate that eye in a living creature so I chose a dragon.

Since then I have attempted to draw various dragons, but, until recently, my confidence has not been in creating realistic images straight out of my head. I’ve always wanted to draw fantasy art, but haven’t had the skill.

I’m fascinated with drawing eyes, and at some point earlier this year I was fascinated enough to actually get my paints out for the first time since before Christmas.

It’s a small black canvas, about 250x250mm. This is the first layer.

Stare 1

The second layer.

stare 2

And the final piece.

Stare, acrylic on canvas, approx. 250x250mm.

You might say, ‘but that is not a dragon’… and you’d be right, it is a cat. But it could be a dragon. There is definite influence from the main dragon character in Dreamworks Dragons, Toothless. It was the eyes mainly that had my interest and I had fun doing the detail on them. Stare is currently on display and for sale at the Goolwa Rotary Art Show.

So what next? Well, then I decided I was going to create my own dragons. So I got out my sketchbook and scribbled. After at least one horrific attempt, I came up with this little guy, Skip the Dragon.

Skip the Dragon

I have a tendency towards cartooning apparently.

Another go got me this.

small change dragon

Which is the one I decided to paint.

small change dragon 1Transferred with conte crayon.

small change dragon 2

Background blocked in.

small change dragon 3

Most of the body blocked in.

small change dragon 4

And the eye has been started, but not completed. And this is where it has sat for the last two months as I have been web designing instead. I had hoped to get to it today, but I’m sick and spent most of the day in bed ::grrr:: Hopefully I feel better tomorrow and can tackle it then.

Oh, and in other news…

This is a photo from my studio a couple of years ago, but it gives you the idea of what it looked like.

studio 3 Feb 2013 2

This is what it looks like right now.

studio apr 2015


It is under renovation by my wonderful husband – with the aim to get more light in there by painting the walls and installing some seriously good lighting and a decent type of flooring. Of course, for the meantime I’m restricted to a corner of our loungeroom with even worse lighting and a fear of what pastel dust might do to our carpet (I have a canvas sheet down under my table, but pastel dust is evil). So painting is at a minimum for the foreseeable future…aaargh! Except for what I can do outside.

But I’ll make do, because when it is finished, I will have a fantastic studio and will be able to paint and make mess to my heart’s content 😀

Best wishes,


8 responses to “Dragons”

  1. dragon mum! oh what fun.
    loving that work in progress and great to get a glimpse into your studio

    1. Thankyou, Zannierose, for reading 😀 I’m glad you enjoyed it 😀

      Best wishes,

  2. I love reading your blog, you write so well , thank you 🙂 It’s terrific you are having a revamped studio in the making. Something terrific to look forward to . Dragons are wonderful , can’t wait to see more . Di.

    1. Aw, thankyou, Di, for your kind words. Means a lot coming from you.

      I used to blog a lot, but I got out of the habit last year and this is my attempt to get back into it. Plus I’ve been missing my writing lately (I used to write fiction as well), so I’m really enjoying myself at the moment.

      Yes, there must be more dragons! Particularly finished ones!

      Best wishes,

  3. […] I found out that my painting, Stare, sold at the Goolwa Rotary Art and Photographic Exhibition. There is something about selling art […]

  4. I loved the Eyes on Canvas. It’s lovely and it was very interesting to see the process and layers.

    Hope the studio gets ready soon. Having your own space just changes everything. 🙂

  5. I love dragons. Your work is beautiful I’m sure you will be glad to have your studio space back and improved. 🙂

  6. […] This post continues on from my previous post about dragons. […]