Category: spectrum square
Spectrum Square – Really the last colour
It has been some time since my last post to this challenge, but I am hoping you are still out there waiting to complete this project. My many apologies for the delay. How are you doing? There has been plenty of time to catch up due to my absence. Will you be ready to post…
Inspirations for May 2011
I would be very interested in knowing what you would like to see on this blog. I’ve been presenting some regular segments here with mixed results. What are your thoughts on those? What do you prefer? What else would you like to see here? I really would like to present what you want to see,…
Spectrum square – the last colour!
Okay, that post title sounds like a bad movie sequel, but hey, we have arrived at the last colour for this nine part challenge series. EDIT: Uh, not the last, the second to last because I can’t count.
Spectrum Square – Orange Peel results and a new colour
A new colour for the Spectrum Square challenge.
Spectrum Square – Midnight Blue results
I have art! Not only do I have art for this week’s challenge, but art for the two previous. I have caught up 😀
Spectrum Square – Electric Lime and a new colour
So how did you go? Are there lots of electric lime artworks out there? I hope so 😀 To submit your work to the challenge, either upload your art to the brand new Spectrum Square Flickr group, or add a link in the comments section of this post. Then we can all bask in the…
Spectrum Square – Dark Red results and a new colour
So how did you go? Are there lots of red artworks out there? I hope so 😀 To submit your work to the challenge, either upload your art to the brand new Spectrum Square Flickr group, or add a link in the comments section of this post. Then we can all bask in the glory…
A new art challenge – Spectrum Square
Are you inspired by colour? Do you sometimes see a combinations of colours that just draw you to them, demand attention in a way that sets all your creative hackles rising? I am and I do. So I am setting a challenge for myself and anyone who would like to join me.