Izzy’s Rainbow complete!



A Piece a Week 2013 Paint Party Friday

I’m so happy! Third Piece a Week completed! Well, bar the final coats of gel and varnish. I think I’m going to have a varnishing day soon.

This one is for my youngest daughter.

Izzy's Rainbow final1

Izzy’s Rainbow, mixed media mosaic, acrylic on canvas, approx. 710 x 355 mm.

I didn’t initially plan for this to be a mixed media mosaic, but when I finished the rainbow, it was clearly missing something, so I started sticking gems to it.

Here’s a close up shot.

Izzy's Rainbow finalcloseup1

And this is what happens when you put it out in the morning sun ๐Ÿ˜€

Izzy's rainbow final2

Izzy's Rainbow finalcloseup2

Izzy' s Rainbow finalcloseup3

What can I say? I like bling ๐Ÿ˜€ It still needs to dry for at least a week (Thursday is going to be 39C, so plenty of drying power there). Once I’ve coated it several times in self-leveling gel and varnish, it will be going on a wall in my youngest daughter’s room.

So I’m three for three so far! Which piece of art will I crazily attempt to finish for next week? Hmmm…

Don’t forget to check out A Piece a Week and all the other wonderful artists over there. Maybe you’ll join us? And I’m also submitting this for Paint Party Friday, because let’s face it, I have three days of work before Friday and I’m not going to get anything else done by then. So make sure you drop by Paint Party Friday and have a persuse of the great art over there too.

I hope your week is as arty as mine has been ๐Ÿ˜€

Best wishes,



17 responses to “Izzy’s Rainbow complete!”

  1. This is awesome!! I love the bling… how cool! Well done for doing three too!!

  2. Looks great and I love the gems.

  3. Wow! The texture is fantastic! And, I love how the “bling” glistens – the perfect addition!


  4. I love it, Liz! The colors and texture are amazing – and the bling addition is awesome!

  5. So beautiful. It just makes me think of summer rain

  6. Fabulous… everything is made better with a bit of bling isn’t it…xx

  7. Love the rounded texture of the beads. Those close ups might need to be blown up really HUGE and printed. Wouldn’t that look great?

  8. This is wonderful, all those gems really work well.

  9. wow this is so vibrant and alive…..fabulous use of bling, so magical. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  10. This is just beautiful. It looks like drops of rain on your rainbow. What a gorgeous piece!! Happy PPF!

  11. Those gems look like waterdrops. So beautiful!

  12. Wow, so fun and fabulous! Love those beads, raindrops on the rainbow, magical! <3

  13. Love the sparkly rainbow!! I think the add of gems is perfection. Even makes me think of waterdrops. Your daughter will love this piece hanging in her room.

  14. This is so vibrant and fun. I agree that the gems were just what this piece needed!

  15. I really love the depth the clear gems add to this!
    At first, I thought they were water droplets! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Happy PPF!!

  16. Oh I love this look. Great job!

  17. Wow I just love the gems. My daughter had rainbow quilts that look similar to this when she was a baby…I got the material from Ikea…wow that was 27 years ago. This would have been awesome in her room at the time!! Love the colors…got to love a rainbow!!

    Hugs Giggles