Flying Spark – Artful Creations Days 11 & 12

Artful Creations

When I originally started this blog, my intentions were to provide a place for my own inspiration and others. One of those sources of inspiration was the Flying Spark.

Flying Spark

I love one word challenges. They can take me just about anywhere and have me creating just about anything. The Flying Spark is a daily word to do just that. Every day, using Twitter, there will be a word to spark inspiration. It appears here on this blog to the right top, or you can subscribe to it on Twitter, even get it delivered to your phone everyday. It is for when you need that little extra push, for when you are stuck. If today’s word isn’t the clincher, there are plenty of words inthe Flying Spark archives on Twitter to play with. The important thing is stoking your creative fire. You must create!

Also, I’d love to see what you create using any of those words, so feel free to ping me here and I’ll drop by and gaze at your creations 😀

Now this is just the beginning. I have more inspirational plans for this website. There is something big in the wings that I will need your help with too. More on that when I get it further off the ground.

And where have I been the last couple of days? Well, I’ve decided to call Friday nights my blogging night off. It is my last day of work for the week and I’m usually too exhausted to put two brain cells together (in fact, I lay down on the couch with a random book, fell asleep at about 9pm and woke up at 12.30am…from which followed several hours working on the computer and a wonky night’s sleep).

Yesterday we finally took the kids to the zoo and they had a great time.

But there was art last night! Izzy’s Rainbow has taken on a whole new dimension as I finished the technique I had originally set out to do, but wasn’t happy with the final result. It looked okay, but lacked purpose as a piece of art, so things got a little more three dimensional after that 😀

Sparklies for Izzy's Rainbow

What can I say? I can’t help myself. But in any case there is a time limit on this one. I want it finished no later than Monday night, so there was speed gluing happening last night 😀

Hubby says he prefers it without the bling, but I just love the extra colour and dimension that this kind of stuff brings to a piece.

Also, I’m using glitter and gel medium to create a texture gel:

Purple glitter

Lushious and sparkly!

So today’s project? I need more bling and will be visiting the shop this morning after breakfast. Also, I have work this afternoon, but tonight I will be focussing on getting this piece finished. Because finished is my new thing. There must be finished and it must be fast 😀

Don’t forget to visit the other wonderful artists on this blog hop!

And keep tuned to see what other inspirational goodies I have up my sleeve 😀

Best wishes,


2 responses to “Flying Spark – Artful Creations Days 11 & 12”

  1. Liz,
    I am also a big fan of sparkle, glitter and colour. they just add a little bit more magic to your art. Love dthe texture and rich colour.

  2. This is a bedazzling post! I can barely read the words because I love the pictures so much! : )