Category: digital art
Random art from the past
Here is a little scribble from wayback that I played with a little digitally tonight.
Burning wood
So would you believe that I actually did some art at the hairdressers on Tuesday? I now have purple hair and a painting to show for it. Yes, I took my iPad to the hairdressers. Getting colour put in my hair takes ages and I bore easily, so between writing some copy for work and…
D is for Digital Art
The first ‘modern’ type computer I encountered was Windows 3.1 machine during an Introduction to Graphic Design course. I was 19 . We were using MS Paint, if I recall correctly, to design and build a logo. Despite its basic nature, I fell in love with it immediately.
Whimsical Wednesday – More concept drawings – Splog & Blog
Far, far out in space, Where stars burn and comets race, Is Planet Zog, a little place With a tiny moon keeping pace… Such is the bad piece of poetry that started the book I haven’t written about Splog and Blog.
Spectrum Square – Electric Lime and a new colour
So how did you go? Are there lots of electric lime artworks out there? I hope so 😀 To submit your work to the challenge, either upload your art to the brand new Spectrum Square Flickr group, or add a link in the comments section of this post. Then we can all bask in the…
Cosmos, acrylic on illustration board scan and digitally altered, approx. 210 x 210 mm. Another experiment, this time with digital art. The challenge this month over at Creative Every Day is ‘cosmos’ and I couldn’t leave a word like that alone. This is the result. I’m not 100% happy with it and I may make…
Sunset Falling
Sunset Falling, Deviant Art Muro, by mouse on lounge chair arm Just a quick last minute scribble for the Creative Color Challenge #5 – Lavender Purple. It certainly came out more purple than I expected, and oddly watercolourish. This was one of those paintings that evolved as I painted. I started with the idea of…
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon, DeviantArt Muro, by mouse, lounge chair arm, very, very rushed and unfinished There’s a long story behind this one. I think it is jinxed. Those of you who follow me on Facebook would have seen my many exclamationed post a few days back where I declared I had just lost an entire piece…
Breaking Storm
I made a deal with hubby tonight. I’d take little Izzy for the night (KJ was already in bed) so he could have some free time, and I’d take tomorrow morning to do some painting. He was happy with that. So I sat in the lounge with bubs in my arms and played one handed…