Category: inspiration

  • The importance of breaking routine

    The importance of breaking routine

    Routine can be an inspiration killer

  • Five Favourite Beaches

    Five Favourite Beaches

    I thought I would post Five Favourite Things of mine. Of course, one of my favourite things is beaches, so here be my five favourite beaches…in no particular order 😀

  • 5 Tactics to Free up your Art

    5 Tactics to Free up your Art

    I wanted to free up my art. I wanted to be able to art like I could write – fast, well and inspired.

  • Latest Discovery – Draw with Jazza

    Latest Discovery – Draw with Jazza

    A few months back we finally moved from the used-to-be-massive-but-now-is-tiny-tube-tv era to smart-tv-oh-wow-you-can-do-that-internet-in-my-loungeroom era. Yes, yes, that sounds odd for a computer geek like me to be so behind the times, but hey, there was that having-kids thing in the last decade that kinda slowed things down. And upgrading had nothing to do with not…

  • Exploring paper mosaics

    Exploring paper mosaics

    I had a great day today. I held a paper mosaics workshop at Goodwood Library. Eleven eager artists attended and had a good time. I gave a quick rundown on tools and materials and let them have at it 😀 It was great fun to see the different interpretations and experimenting going on and I…

  • The Calm

    Our lives are nuts. While many of the mundane tasks of existence have been relieved by technology, we’ve filled the gaps with more stuff, so instead of spending hours washing our clothes in the local river, we’re dashing off to work to a gazillion deadlines, places to be, people to see and appointments to keep.…

  • Persistance is not futile

    None of us were born with a pencil and Leonardo da Vinci’s art education – not even Leonardo himself. Yet, many of us, including me, oggle at the masters’ artworks and grumble about how we can never be that good. Do we ever see the blood, sweat and tears behind those masterpieces? Do we know…

  • Let go

    One of the hardest things for me to do when creating is to let go. I’m naturally a control freak, nitpicker, worry wart, overthinker, pedantic pain in the butt. I focus on detail, and despite my skill level being far from being able to create the photographic perfection some artists can manage, it doesn’t stop…

  • The Inspiration Directory

    There were two reasons for creating this website. The main one was obviously a place for Gumnut Inspired to live – a place for my art, my blog, my shop, my corner of the web. However, there was a second reason that might not be so obvious, mainly because I forget to advertise it.

  • Finished

    Finished. It is the holy grail for all artists. I have a saying pinned on my pinboard above my desk (well, I did until we gutted my studio, but let’s play as if it is still there):   ‘To start is fun, but to finish is ecstasy.’   And I really believe that. I’ve always…