Paper and Jewels mosaic completed!

Paint Party Friday

It is final. It is complete (well, except for its second coat of varnish which I will do today). My first paper and jewels mosaic is done!

Paper and jewels mosaic final

Paper and Jewels, mixed media paper mosaic on canvas board, 254 x 305 mm

I am really happy with it and am considering getting it framed. It consists of laser printed bubble painting, beads, jewels, large glass beads, foil card, and coarse garden design sand (not sand, more crushed and coloured rock) mixed with self-leveling gel and painted over with iridescent medium.

I’m not sure of its lightfastness, but I have coated it in UV resistant varnish, which will hopefully help. I shouldn’t have used the canvas board, but when I started I was only mucking around to see what would happen and it turned out much better than I expected. It is fun sitting in front of the TV (with the Avengers on :D) sticking down tiles and beads. It is kinda like knitting or crocheting, no brain required other than the occasional design decision.

And here are the obligatory in progress shots…

Paper and jewels

Paper and jewels mosaic wip2

Paper and jewels wip3

Paper and jewels mosaic wip4

Paper and jewels mosaic final

And, of course some angle and up close shots because I can’t help myself 😀

Paper and jewels mosaic final closeup1

Paper and jewels mosaic final closeup2

Paper and jewels mosaic final closeup3

Paper and jewels mosaic final 2

And now what is next?

Well, I’m well on the way to combining my fire series with my mixed media mosaic series, though who knows if that is what it will end up looking like. Here are the very beginnings and here are some piccies of what I’ve done so far this week.

Fire tiles

Lots and lots of fire tiles…would you believe that this is only half a sheet of three sheets I have created (using the butterfly painting method)? I am expecting lots of gluing in this one.

Fire and jewels mosaic wip2

And those glass rocks? They are rocks!

Fire and jewels mosaic wip2a

I’m really excited about this one. The big glass rocks are really inspiring (though I hope the gel medium is strong enough to keep them in place). This time I’m doing it on some MDF particle board. it is quite heavy, but again just experimenting really. Will see how it goes. The orange and red glass beads are not glued down and I haven’t decided whether to include them or not.

I’m all excited, all inspired and bouncing around the room. Don’t forget to check out the other excited peeps over at Paint Party Friday.

Must go paint!

Best wishes,


20 responses to “Paper and Jewels mosaic completed!”

  1. Beautilly magnificent

  2. wow your finished piece is fabulously gorgeous and love your WIP also. Happy PPF, Annette x

  3. How fabulously, amazingly stunning! The finished piece is just beautiful, and all the other fine detailed images are lovely photographs as well as beautiful art in themselves 🙂

  4. Great textures, colours and creativity here. Happy PPF. x

  5. It’s fabulous, it’s unique and remarkable! Wonderful WIP, too! HPPF!

  6. gorgeous pieces, so full of life and movement.

  7. This looks absolutely wonderful! Looking forward to what you’ll be making of the new piece! Great work!

  8. Congratulations on finishing, Liz!
    It is absolutely stunning and exquisite!!
    Love, love, love!!!!!!!!!!
    So fun seeing the process again along with the detailed shots!

    Happy PPF!!

  9. wow – these are stunning. Thank you for the close ups too — just delicious! Happy PPF!

  10. So intricate and beautiful. The colors are gorgeous. I love seeing the progress shots, gives me so much more appreciation for the loving effort that you put into it. Well done! Happy PPF

  11. Definitely worth all the time you put into this piece – definitely get it framed! Gorgeous!

  12. I love your art, stained glass reminds me of modernist art in Barcelona. Saludos

  13. OMG, what an amazing job!!!

  14. Wow, fabulous! You’ve put a lot of work into this, nice job.

  15. wow there is so much movement, colour and life in that first one… but the new one is very exciting… I love those grass rocks… I use them in the garden to keep the neighbourhood cats from visiting the garden…xx

  16. I just love your unique style with mosaic!! Very impressive work!! I have one piece of a mirrored hand that is my favorite piece of art!!Great job!! Can’t wait to see the new one finished! It’s quite an intricate process!!

    Happy ppf and thanks for sharing!!

    Hugs Giggles

  17. Wow! This is fantastic! I really like the way it just sort of grew organically into something so marvelous.

  18. So much awesomeness here! Wonderful textures and colors, xo

  19. Wow! This has so much beautiful, intricate work. Beautiful!

  20. ooooh wow!! I love the richness of texture!