Category: one hundred hands

  • Hands number six and seven



    This post follows on from 100 hands and, funnily enough, has more hands šŸ˜€

  • 100 hands



    I discovered a new challenge last week. What can I say, Iā€™m a sucker for a new challenge. Whether or not I succeed at the challenge is always a question, but I love starting new ones.

  • Another hand



    And now blogging is giving me a kick to art more…yay! Tired tonight. It has been a long week and it is not going to stop until at least Easter, but at least I should get a little sleep in tomorrow. It is my youngest’s fifth birthday today and she has a party on Sunday,…

  • Winter returns



    The temperature is forecast to dip below 20C this week, the final sign that summer is truly leaving and the April rains are due. Here comes the cold. I’m not a fan of winter, however for the first time in a long time we will be travelling interstate this year right in the depths of…