Category: anecdotes
Red-capped Plover encounters and a painting
I had the awful experience of nearly stepping on an egg.
The Little Blue Lake
I love maps. I can stare at them for hours, particularly when I’m planning to go somewhere new.
The importance of others’ art in your art practice
This piece demonstrates why you can not work alone and why you need other artists’ art work in your life.
Corny Point and Cap Clairout
Back in 2014 I revived an old vague interest of mine in geology…and then made it anything but vague (I’m blaming a combination of Minecraft and jewellery making for this sudden craze). I read a pile of publications specifically about South Australian geology, firstly focusing on the Yorke Peninsula and then on the Fleurieu Peninsula.…
Five Favourite Beaches
I thought I would post Five Favourite Things of mine. Of course, one of my favourite things is beaches, so here be my five favourite beaches…in no particular order 😀
5 Tactics to Free up your Art
I wanted to free up my art. I wanted to be able to art like I could write – fast, well and inspired.
Latest Discovery – Draw with Jazza
A few months back we finally moved from the used-to-be-massive-but-now-is-tiny-tube-tv era to smart-tv-oh-wow-you-can-do-that-internet-in-my-loungeroom era. Yes, yes, that sounds odd for a computer geek like me to be so behind the times, but hey, there was that having-kids thing in the last decade that kinda slowed things down. And upgrading had nothing to do with not…