Colourful Expressions

I’m in a joint exhibition! With the lovely Emerald Cat !

We have paintings, lots of paintings, art cards and prints, and jewellery, all laid out wonderfully by the talented Leeza and Pete at the Artisan Gallery, 1099 South Road, Melrose Park, South Australia.

And there is an opening, with food, and wine, and chocolate biscuits (mandatory chocolate biscuits including Tim Tams and my favourites, Wagon Wheels :D) and cheese, and other yummy food items. There will be music and good company.

I would love it if you could join us on Sunday 9 October, 3 – 5pm.

Yes, that is this Sunday. Day after tomorrow. What’s with the late notice? That would be the crazy leading up to an exhibition. The life of an artist is not relaxing, this is being learnt by me at the moment. There has been promotional material, cataloguing of artworks, last minute artworks, last minute jewellery, last minute prints….did I mention the prints? I’m launching a new range of prints which will be available for the first time at the exhibition opening.

And I was on the radio. This morning. Check it out!

Radio Adelaide
Peter Bates, Liz Powley and Ian Newton of Radio Adelaide 101.5 FM post-discussion of ‘Colourful Expressions’ exhibition, 7 Oct 2016. Photo: Peter Bates.
Here be the podcast – go listen!

So see you there!

Oh, and my latest artwork in progress?

magenta and southern ocean blue wip3

Another paper mosaic, this time in a River of Shards (working title :D). I’ve been trying to complete it in time for the exhibition opening, but I don’t think I’m going to make it. While I’ve been working on the exhibition, everything else has been backlogging and the pile is about to land on my head.

But Paint Party Friday! There has been paint. Also, stay tuned…in a couple of weeks’ time I will be able to reveal a commission I completed a week or so ago – I’m reeeeeally happy with it and want to share it with you.

I hope you are all having a great Friday and looking forward to a great weekend…..with an exhibition opening on Sunday, with paintings, and food, and wine, and chocolate biscuits. Be there or miss out on chocolate!

Best wishes,
(off the edge, but learning to fly)


10 responses to “Colourful Expressions”

  1. RIVER OF SHARDS…fantastic! How can it be in progress? It looks done to me.

  2. Loving the River of Shards so far, and those awesome eyes.

    Hope you have a fantastic exhibit!

  3. Oh how exciting! Wish I could hop over to join and see your work “live”. This new piece looks super interesting already.

  4. peggy gatto Avatar
    peggy gatto

    Love the design and oh what a lot of work, wonderful!!!

  5. What a beautiful paper mosaic!!

  6. Wow really lovely piece in progress. How fun to be on the radio. You look fabulous!!!

  7. Amazing piece.

  8. Congratulations all round Liz… for your exhibition, PPF nomination this week and your fantastic artwork.
    I would love to have been able to visit the exhibition.
    Happy PPF to you

  9. Congratulations. I hope all goes fantastic 🙂 Happy PPF…

  10. Lovely paper mosaic Liz!