My five favourite paintings


I’m not a great promoter of of my stuff. I always end up showing it to people with a bit of embarrassment or self-consciousness that really doesn’t do a professional artist any good. So for this week’s favourite five I thought I’d showcase five of my paintings that I am really happy with. Once again in no particular order since that would mean more decision making and that hurts my brain.

Phantasmal Poison Dart Frog

Anyone who has been hanging around me for any length of time since 2012 will be aware of this one. This was a sketch I did to test out my new Inktense pencils. I wanted to see what they could do. I never expected it to turn out so well and it has ever since been at the head of my social media websites and is the most pinned pin of all of my Pinterest Pins. You can find the in-progress shots for this here.

Phantasmal poison dart frog
Phantasmal Poison Dart Frog, Inktense pencil on illustration board, approx. 200 x 200 mm. NOT FOR SALE



Last year was a big year for me and one of the fabulous things that happened was this painting.

Pen by Liz Powley
Pen, acrylic on canvas, 400x300mm. Commissioned & SOLD

Not only did it work as I had planned it, but it worked well and I am still excited by it (and somewhat amazed that I actually did it – how did I do that again?). It was a commission and I have never been so happy with a result. To see in progress shots, see this post from October last year.


My Littlest

This one is from quite some time ago. I know this because its subject is now seven years old. This was done in pastels, a medium I love to play with, but haven’t really fully explored as I’m not confident in finishing them off – they need framing and I’m poor, so I can’t really make a product to sell from them yet. But they are a lovely medium and this one, despite being a little cross-eyed, worked quite well.


My littlest
My littlest



It really is a toss up between this one and Blue Shiver (the red and orange girl half way down the page) , but there is something in this woman, some defiance. she didn’t turn out the way I had expected, but she is strong and I like that in her.


Moment by Liz Powley
Moment, acrylic on canvas, 510x510mm.



At this point I’m not really sure what others are my favourites.  To be honest the frog and the dog are my two most favourite, the rest, well, they are all mostly experiments (maybe I’m biased by realism). Toucan was a random painting. He didn’t start out as a toucan, he was just splattered paint. Totally an intuitive piece of art – what happened happened on the spur of the moment. I’m happy with the result. He is one of a very few which are hung in my studio. he is also awkward to photograph as I used iridescent paint.

Toucan, acrylic on watercolour paper, 297 x 420mm

So there you go. My five favourite of my paintings, not confident favourites and I’ll probably wake up at 3am tomorrow morning cursing because I forgot to add one I didn’t think of. Several of my favourites I haven’t included because they are not finished. maybe I should do one of these as my favourite five unfinished paintings. In any case, these are my five for Willy Nilly Friday Five and Five on Friday. This time actually posted on Friday.

Hmm, I think I need to paint more dogs and frogs.

Art always!

Best wishes,



22 responses to “My five favourite paintings”

  1. Wow, I’m so impressed with your dog painting! It’s spectacular and the orange underneath is really cool. I think it really helped to make the painting pop. And that pup is seriously adorable too. Dog eyes get me every time. Your other art is soooo good too. The cute little portrait of your daughter is both adorable and amazing. I can only make a smushy mess with pastels.

    1. Thank you, Sal! Yes, Pen is a gorgeous dog 😀 I just love her eyes, which is why I wanted them to be the focus of the painting.

      Thank you so much for your kind comments and for dropping by.

      Best wishes,

    1. Thankyou 😀


  2. Absolutely beautiful work! I am so impressed.

    1. Thank you, Maria 😀 Thanks for dropping by 😀

      Best wishes,

  3. tom the backroads traveller Avatar
    tom the backroads traveller

    …what a frog!

    1. Yep, a red and white one :D. Thanks for dropping by 😀

      Best wishes,

  4. Wow you are a great artist. The Frog and the Dog shots are so realistic looking. – Almost like photographs. – I also like the Toucan piece.

    1. Thank you, Ida, for your kind comments and for dropping by 😀

      Best wishes,

  5. you so should promote your work more! It’s beautiful, colorful and kinda awesome to tell the truth. I’m visiting and thank you for your comment on my blog! have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Jennifer! Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog too 😀 With Inktober and my lack of copic markers (can’t own every art material….though I will admit to trying), I might get out my watercolours and do some scary attempts at painting with them – then we can see how good I am at this art thing 😀

      Thank you for providing a website and blog full of fabulous art for me (and multitude others) to visit 😀

      Best wishes,

  6. While I am impressed with all 5 the Tuscan is my favorite because I adore them. The blooms are beautiful and the white makes them really pop.

    1. Thank you, Diane 😀 The Toucan painting was a little outside my usual and just happened, which is mostly why it is on this list.

      Thanks for dropping by and for your kind comments.

      Best wishes,

  7. My goodness, you are one talented artist! I thought the dog and the frog were photos until I read your post. You have an amazing talent. My best to you. Pat

    1. Thank you 😀 And thank you for dropping by 😀

      Best wishes,

  8. oh my goodness, you should never feel embarrassed because your work is amazing! i can’t even pick a favorite…the frog and dog are like photographs…love the dog’s blue eyes…the painting of your “littlest” is adorable and i love her expression…the strong woman is incredible how you created her, and there she is…and she is strong…love that the toucan started as splattered paint! wow, really impressive work, all of it! thank you so much for sharing with willy nilly and i hope to see you again real soon! 🙂

    1. Wow, thankyou, Tanya, for such kind comments ? I’m hoping to post tonight. Ran out of time last night and my daughter is currently hogging my computer, but I’ll get there eventually.

      Thankyou so much for dropping by 😀

      Best wishes,

  9. Wow, I’m not at all arty myself, but I really do appreciate the beauty of your art. The first two look so life like, just like a photograph. They are amazing the way their eyes and bodies lift of the page with light. I suppose everyone lessons their talents but you really do have a gift. Beautiful detailed work, you should feel proud of yourself. All the best. Cathy x

    1. How can you possibly say that you are not arty when your username is ‘HooksandNeedles’? There be knitting and crocheting galore! I call that arty 😀

      Thank you for your very kind comments and for dropping by 😀

      Best wishes,

  10. Hello, your work is beautiful. You should be very proud of your paintings. I love the frog and the dog. The toucan reminds me of a trip I took to Costa Rica we saw a few toucans. I am an animal lover and tend to be drawn to their images. I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and for the nice comment. I hope to see you join in with my critter party some day. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead.

    1. Thank you so much for dropping by, Eileen 😀 And for your kind comments 😀

      I am definitely planning to join in next week. I even have a post-it note stuck on my computer screen to remind me and your blog has been bookmarked 😀 It looks like so much fun. I’m just so happy to have found a place to share the piles of wildlife photos I have on my hard drive. I haven’t shared them here much as the blog was just art focused, but recently I’d decided to widen its focus so a little more of me gets in along with my art – and piccies of wildlife is very much me 😀

      So see you next week 😀

      Art always!