They all end up as mermaids

I’ve completed another painting. This one took on a life of its own and ended up quite different from what I had intended. It seems that I always end up painting mermaids.

Moment by Liz Powley
Moment, acrylic on canvas, 510x510mm – for sale $A 290.

I like her expression. I like the idea of strong women in these paintings. Slightly different from what you would normally see. Also I’m having a great deal of fun experimenting in colour.

On my easel at the moment is Stare II.

Stare II wip


Only a small interlude painting before my next face and hopefully quick, but it is fun to be back painting more fantastical eyes. This is a second in a series – the first one ‘Stare‘ sold earlier this year. Lots of work left to do as this is all background painting.

So this is the end of 2015. It has been a good year for my business, I’ve sold a few paintings, done a pile of design work for several clients, and delved into new styles of jewellery. The new year is already proving to be challenging as I will be redesigning two websites in January and hosting an art workshop in February, with several nibbles for other challenges already pulling on my line. The opportunities are there, I just need to take advantage of them.

Wishing you all a fabulous new year. May you grab all the opportunities that come your way and may there be many 😀 ::hugs::

Best wishes,