Four paintings and two exhibitions

After a year of not much painting, but a whole pile of web design and graphic design, I finally cracked a month ago and determinedly put my painting at the top of the priority pile. Consequently I now have a backlog of work to catch up on, but I do have four paintings that have been accepted into two exhibitions.

In the Victor Harbor Art Show I have entered…

Fleurieuscape, acrylic on canvas, 910x610mm.

And this one from slightly earlier…

Blue Kiss, acrylic on canvas, 510x510mm.
Blue Kiss, acrylic on canvas, 510x510mm.

I’m really happy to have had them selected.

Shortly after finishing Fleurieuscape, I dove back into a portrait and this happened…

Blue Shiver
Blue Shiver, acrylic on canvas, 510x760mm.

I’m very happy with that one, so that prompted me to see if I could finish another one before the next exhibition deadline, and this happened…


Jealous Intent
Jealous Intent, acrylic on canvas, 510x510mm.


And I made it by the deadline, so consequently I now have these two paintings accepted for the Port Art Exhibition. 😀

For a year that saw very little art, this is a fabulous way to end it. It also reminded me that the art is what my business is supposed to be about, so I should be putting a higher priority on it.

All the above paintings are for sale so if you are interested, drop me a line – contact details available on my website.

I have another painting started, so here’s hoping I can keep the fire going 😀

I hope you have a fabulous holiday period, stay safe, have fun and don’t forget to relax!

Best wishes,


5 responses to “Four paintings and two exhibitions”

  1. Lydia Gregg Avatar
    Lydia Gregg

    Well done Liz! How exciting too.

    Lyds 🙂

    1. Thanks, Lydia! I decided my painting was a priority. I’m still wading through the backlog of other work, but it was worth it 😀

      Best wishes,

      1. Hi Liz,

        I like the “blue Shiver” very much, I must have missed to see it at the Port Art Exhibition. If your painting is not sold yet please go in contact to us by email.

  2. Zea Perrotta Avatar
    Zea Perrotta

    Wow Liz your work is stunning!

    1. Thanks so much, Zea! How goes your work?