Stone Wisteria completed – A Piece a Week 5

A Piece a Week 2013 Paint Party Friday

This challenge is really working for me. Here I am five weeks into the year with five new art works to my name. The first one was just a journal page, but the rest have been full blown works. I’m totally excited.

This week I finished the weird throw together work I started on a whim while being frustrated regarding finishing a portrait of my eldest daughter. There is something to be said regarding the difference between precise work and free work. There is enjoyment in both, but sometimes the realistic and precise work need a break.

So here we have ‘Stone Wisteria’…

Stone Wisteria final

Stone Wisteria, acrylic and stones on canvas, approx. 460 x 460 mm.

This has been a distinctly weird painting. I had no idea what it was going to be when I started and just threw paint and stones down onto the canvas. At one point a friend saw it and she said it reminded her of wisteria, so I looked up wisteria, got an idea of what the leaves and flowers look like and went for it.

I kinda missed the right wisteria in the flowers. They look more like native wisteria, a plant called hardenbergia here in Australia – the flowers are more sparse and thinner than traditional wisteria and I seem to have channelled them. If I was to do it again, I would either aim for hardenbergias in which case the leaves would be a different shape, or make the stones spread wider to create the larger wisteria flowers.

In any case, for me it is the colours in this piece that do it for me. There are also a variety of textures as this canvas used to be ‘Herpy‘. First time I’ve ever painted over a painting I didn’t like.

Stone Wisteria closeup 1

The purple really did it for me.

Don’t forget to visit the other Piece-a-weekers. There is some fantastic productivity happening out there. Also, drop round to the Facebook group and knock on the door, we’d love to have you join the challenge.

And I’m also submitting this to Paint Party Friday as it is the only painting I’m going to get done this week. Don’t forget to drop by and check out the party!

Best wishes,


18 responses to “Stone Wisteria completed – A Piece a Week 5”

  1. I’m glad I am taking a little look around the blog hop – because I like the idea of a Piece a week! I’m glad I saw it – I like the way you are experimenting! the painting looks great!

  2. I love how this has come together … I have enjoyed seeing the progress of Fb and knew it was going to be special.. but this is really something special…xx

  3. Gorgeous! The detail is mind boggling to me. It’s actually kind of fun to paint over an old painting. I think it adds so much more of a story to the top layer.

  4. Alaurie Kae Avatar
    Alaurie Kae

    I love the details and the colors are delicious. Truth be told, I’m a sucker for yellow, green and purple combo–they are so rich and playful and interesting together. I also like the depth you’ve given your piece–the soft glowing red underneath hints at excitement and the layers of your story here.

  5. Good for you, being so prolific! Love your painting, that color combination with the texture is so luscious!<3

  6. This is beautiful, such detail. . . awesome. Blessings, Janet PPF

  7. Beautiful! I love the colors and movement in this painting…Great shadows too!! Happy ppf!

    Hugs Giggles

  8. Loving the colours and the structure of your painting, its beautiful. Happy PPF, Annette x

  9. Wow, I love the wisteria painting. Gorgeous colors.

  10. I love the title of this piece, and the gorgeous colors and patterns, especially the repetition of the beautiful leaf shapes. Congratulations on having 5 finished pieces already this year!

  11. The Wisteria is beautiful, what a wonderful subject to paint! Happy PPF!

  12. I love, love, love the layering in your Stone Wisteria!
    Happy PPF!!

  13. Beautiful wisteria – i love to paint flowers too. Great colors – they just pop right off the canvas.

  14. Loving your wisteria and that purple — fab! Happy PPF!

  15. I love wisteria. This looks great. HPPF

  16. I love wisteria – your painting is wonderful. HPPF

  17. Hi Liz,
    Just wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award. See my post for details 🙂

  18. Such beautiful work.