Tree Caricatures – Artful Creations Day 9

Artful Creations

I was driving up the same street I drive up every morning I go to work this morning and I was struck with an idea. The trees along the verge are all Kurrajongs. Please see a Google view of Lancaster Avenue below.

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In the morning light, the bark seemed dark and the leaves were a lovely light green contrasting very nicely. Being in the crazy creative mood I have been in since last night, I immediately wanted to paint them. But stylised paint them…as I drove to work I built up a concept in my head of tree caricatures. I’m thinking of doing a series and tonight before writing this post, I scribbled down the first one, layout only for painting.

Kurrajong caricature sketch

I plan to do something with the background perhaps patchworky or patterned (depending on how it interacts with the foreground, wouldn’t want to go too busy).

Also, I will likely have to redraw this one as while I was looking for a Kurrajong piccy to show you, I dicovered that the leaves look nothing like this. I knew I should have done my research first 😀

But I’m really enthused with the idea of these small paintings (will need to buy some 300 x300 mm canvases as I am all out). I have plans for oak, jacaranda, and a number of others. Cute little paintings that can stand alone or sit as a group…I may even restrict the trees to native Australian just to be a little bit different. Still conceptualising.

Other than that, which took me a whole ten minutes, today I have continued work on my dumpling squid and Izzy’s Rainbow. The first I worked on the sand and the second I started glazing.

And tonight I’m going to bed at a decent time, so I’ll sign off now.

Don’t forget to visit all the wonderful artists on the blog hop.

Best wishes,


One response to “Tree Caricatures – Artful Creations Day 9”

  1. we live on a street that is lined with jacaranda, poinsettia and frangipani so we go from purple into red and then into the heavily scented white and yellow… and they often inspire some sketches… looking at that I kind of wish they were all the same though as it looks like a lovely view… I think the series would be great… xx