Hot wind completed

Paint Party Friday

Mother’s Day 2011 – my present was to be allowed to paint all day. It was a beautifully sunny day, so I set up my easel outside and did just that. The uncompleted painting that resulted has been sitting around my studio ever since.

A few weeks back I decided it was time to finish a few things and that was at the top of my list. This is the result.

Hot Wind complete

Hot Wind, acrylic on canvas, approx. 1000 x 750 mm

I’m quite happy with the painting itself, however I have learnt a great deal more about painting since I started this and there are several things wrong with the materials this was created with. The biggest one is that it is on a cheap canvas, consequently it has a slight buckle in the frame, cut not folded corners and various other small imperfections. Secondly I painted it with craft paint rather than professional artist’s paints. It is finished with good quality self-leveling gel and varnish (the bit I did recently), so its finish looks good except for the random fluff and dust caught up in the finish in the white areas (argh!).

Let’s just chalk it up to experience and hang it on the wall in the laundry (seriously, that’s is our plan at the moment :D). I really loved throwing the paint around in this and it will have descendants done with the correct materials as this is part of my fire series, slowly under development.

And as always with a finished painting, here be some in progress shots.

Hot Wind WIP 1

Hot Wind WIP 2

Hot Wind WIP 3

Hot Wind WIP 4

Hot Wind WIP 5

This is where it stuck for many months.

And now completed.

Hot Wind complete

Of course, this week I have also been continuing my paper and jewels mosaic. I had hoped to finish it by Friday, but as always life had other ideas. I have done some since last week, however.

Paper and jewels mosaic wip4

This is turning out to be totally experimental. I decided it needed a different kind of paper so added some shiny foil card to offset the heavy texture of the bubble paint tiles. The only problem with that is it draws even more concern for lightfastness to this piece. It is made up of laser prints, cheap beads and plastic gems and now foil card. I intend to coat it all with a UV resistant varnish, plus a couple of layers of self-leveling gel to finish it, but I’m not to confident it will last a very long time. Must be kept away from direct sunlight at least.

But I am learning a lot and having fun, so the long run is no loss.

Paper and jewels mosaic wip4a

These are my submissions this week for Paint Party Friday along with the exciting bonus of being this week’s PPF Featured Artist! Kristin and Eva kindly offered me the opportunity of an interview and I grabbed it with both hands.  Go see it! (will be posted on Friday)  I even did an exclusive little PPF painting for the event.

And while you’re at it, don’t forget to go and visit all the PPF wonderful artists. There is some fantastic art on the boil.

Best wishes,


29 responses to “Hot wind completed”

  1. This will be a great addition to the laundry… don’t you hate the buckling with cheap canvases…. glad you learned heaps and that you can now move on to even bigger and better canvases… mind you I like this one … a lot … and think you are being a tough harsh in hiding it away in the laundry… xx

    1. Our laundry gets a lot of traffic because it leads into the studio/hobby room, so it won’t be too hidden away, though maybe not lit as well as it could be.

      Until I put up my daughter’s mermaid painting in her room, I had one piece of art framed and hanging in the house and that is in the toilet 😀

      I’ve found a source of good canvases, so the world is now my oyster 😀

      Thanks for your wonderful support and for dropping by.

      Best wishes,

  2. I just want to sit in front of the computer screen with the hot wind pic on it all day – it’s like being in front of a log fire! Just what we need today with all the storms raging here at the moment.

    1. It’s a bit that way at the moment, isn’t it. Too cold. Hate cold, my bones ache (yes, I sound like I’m ninety…the cold ages me :D)

      Thanks so much for your kind comments and for dropping by 😀

      Best wishes,

  3. I love its wonderful motion and can’t tell it buckles from here. 🙂 I always love your mosaics, just gorgeous! And hey, CONGRATS on being the PPF featured artist this week!

    1. It’s only a slight buckle, but a buckle nonetheless. Thank you for your kind comments 😀 And it has been fabulous to be the featured artist at PPF. I am so honoured.

      Thanks for dropping by.

      Best wishes,

  4. It is all about learning, I love this. I can almost feel the heat! And progress has indeed been made on your mosaic. So impressed at your patience.

    1. The mosaic is almost like knitting or crocheting in front of the TV, oddly comfortable.

      Thanks so much for your kind comments and for stopping by.

      Best wishes,

  5. Beautiful painting, love the motion and the colors – the heat! Mosaic is looking very good, too! Thank you for the interview on PPF, very inspiring.

    1. Thank you for reading the interview 😀 And thanks so much for your kind comments.

      Best wishes,

  6. Great interview by the way! I was too lazy to do any art this week so haven’t linked to PPF but thought I’d pop over and see who was doing what anyway! Your frog painting is crazy good! looks like a photo! I like this fire painting and I think I remember when you showed us where you’d got to with it before because it made me think of being on a beach at night somewhere lovely and warm with a bonfire blazing! I know what you mean about cheap canvasses – I wish I could learn how to insert those wooden peg things that are supposed to help straighten out the frame and tighten the canvas but try as I might, they’re beyond me! Your beaded art work is looking amazing – so much care and detail taken – you must have great patience for the fiddly-ness!

  7. Wow! I really love the depth of these paintings. Awesome! Great interview, too.

  8. Really enjoyed reading your article for PPF and stopping by your blog.

  9. So thrilled to see you as featured artist. Well deserved. Your art definitely needs to be OUT THERE!

  10. Hot wind…a great title for a beautiful piece. Makes me want some iced tea and makes me want to get out some red paints! Nice.

  11. Beautiful line and color! Loved your interview!

  12. congratulations on being the featured artist this week……woo hoo loving your painting of fire and the beautiful canvas below it. Happy PPF, Annette x

  13. I really enjoyed reading your interview this week, Liz. We have some things in common. Even though I studied art a long time ago, I only dabbled for many years and find I still have so much to learn and explore. Your fire piece really looks like fire, and your mosaic is amazing!

  14. What movement you have in Hot Wind!!! So much heat is radiating off the screen! Wonderful!

  15. beautiful abstract! And lovely mixed media.

  16. Wow, Liz – I really adored your interview over at PPF today. Your words were fabulous.
    “Basically I’m an artist in search of her art. But I think I’m the closest to finding it than I have ever been.” – You GO Girl!!!!
    Love the paintings above. Happy PPF

  17. What a great Mother’s Day Gift…a day of painting!!
    And your artworks are so extraordinary!!
    Happy PPF!!

  18. WEll on here I can’t see any buckle or dust so it’s perfection to my eyes!
    (I also can’t see my wrinkles…so go figure)!
    Lovely finished purple beaded piece below!!!!!

  19. Your art is beautiful, even a buckled canvas wouldn’t matter. Congratulations on being featured!! Have a great week!!

    Hugs Giggles

  20. What a wonderful piece! I love the fiery one, and adore the piece with sequins!

  21. i love the painting above…but the mixed media piece just totally rocks!

  22. Well if nothing else it will certainly brighten up the laundry room. And if you don’t point out the imperfections, I’m sure no one would be able to see them. Well, no one who’s opinion mattered anyway.

  23. Such beautiful canvas, and your mosaic is getting better every week! Congrats on being the featured artist this week!

  24. The wind painting reminded me of a huge fire. That was excellent. . . it was definitely a fire. The mosaic is beautiful. I am in love with the painting. Blessings, Janet PPF