Unknown expression

29 Faces Sunday Sketches

I have to say that I don’t think I’ll get 29 faces done, but for what I do get done, it has been a valuable exercise. I have at least one painting in mind from one of the sketches and another proved to me that I actually know more about faces than I thought I did and it has boosted my confidence in that area

This week I only managed a paltry one and not a good one at that.

Unknown expressionA don’t know exactly what expression I was aiming for, though I do know I was trying for a particular one, but in any case it did not hit the mark. I’m really not sure what his expression actually is. I’ve labelled this one a dud, but I promised that I would put them all up, so I hereby present my dud. Go check out all the other more successful artists over at the 29 faces challenge.

I spent the rest of the week either completely stuffed (it wasn’t a great week), or towards the end of the week, working on my paper mosaic from the Monthly Painters Challenge. Still along way to go, but I’ve done a little more and even though it isn’t really Sunday Sketches material, I thought I’d throw in an update here anyway.

I blogged about the development and work-in-progress of this piece here.

yellow-purple WIP2

Gratuitous yarn close up.

yellow-purple wip2a

Don’t forget to drop in on all the other fantastic Sunday Sketches peeps.

Best wishes,


11 responses to “Unknown expression”

  1. Love your sketch..so powerful and amazing, and your wip is bright, bold and beautiful too!

    1. Thanks 😀 Though I definitely think I need more practise with the faces. Yours are definitely wonderful 😀

      Thanks for dropping by.

      Best wishes

  2. such a great face, i love the unique expression.

    1. Thanks 😀

      And thanks for dropping by.

      Best wishes,

  3. I think it’s a good face. He’s pulling a wry expression… “whaddaya mean you don’t like my portrait” kind of thing…

    1. ::grin:: I like the thought that he has had with me fiddling with him 😀

      Thanks, cool idea.

      And thanks for dropping by.

      Best wishes.

  4. Sketch is awesome ~ and love your WIP creation ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  5. It might not be the expression you were going for, but it certainly isn’t a dud!

  6. I like the dud… he looks entirely fed up with the whole process… and you have used great line work… and I am loving seeing the development of the MPC piece… the darker yarns look great!!!!

  7. that is such an interesting face and expression, well done!

  8. I think the dud is actually much better than you think. You really captured a lot of personality and emotion here!