Shadow Shot Sunday – Cloud shadows

Shadow Shot Sunday

We got out of the house on Friday and took the kids down south to Port Noarlunga and a couple of the playgrounds down there. After last week’s revisit of my photography, I decided to take the camera with me and see what I could grab. It was an odd weather day for the middle of February, cloudy and a little dark, still warm, but lacking the scorching heat we often get this time of year, so it was good for getting out.

One thing  I learnt a few years ago is that sometimes clouds make for much more interesting photography than blue sky. Travelling around in winter when the weather is very changeable (remember Winter Rains?) can give ample opportunity for dramatically lit shots. Friday wasn’t particularly dramatic, but we were near the ocean and I really liked the greys the combination of water and cloud created.

So here are my submissions for this week’s Shadow Shot Sunday. There aren’t much bigger shadows than those made by clouds (an eclipse perhaps? :D).

Cloud shadow
St Vincent’s Gulf, off Port Noarlunga, South Australia, on a cloudy day.


Port Noarlunga
Port Noarlunga, a southern suburb of Adelaide, South Australia


Cloud Shadow
St Vincent’s Gulf, looking north, Port Noarlunga, South Australia.


Port Noarlunga Jetty
Port Noarlunga Jetty, one of many similar jetties that line St Vincent’s Gulf, South Australia.
The breaking surf at the end of the jetty is a reef, a northern part of the same reef
on which Rodney Fox encountered his great white shark.


Port Noarlunge beach cliff
Port Noarlunga cliff and beach, South Australia


Onkaparinga estuary
The Onkaparinga River reaches the gulf at Port Noarlunga.
This is a section of its estuary, a haven for birds.
Due to the fact it is the height of summer, the water level is low.


Suburbia under cloud
Port Noarlunga from the Onkaparinga Estuary.
I really liked the multicoloured houses that were on display on the hill,
but I could not get a decent shot of them from where I was 🙁
So you have more clouds to gaze at.


I will admit to not being entirely happy with the photographic results of this foray, but it was fun to get out and the kids had a great time.

(who is planning to go out next week too :D)


3 responses to “Shadow Shot Sunday – Cloud shadows”

  1. I love clouds too. The simplicity of our first shot touches me. Love the angle and the composition of the Okaparinga River one.

  2. It’s a great sot to go for a walk and blow the cobwebs away. Love the contrast of the red cliffs and the grey day.

  3. that should have read “spot”