Drawing Lab Challenge #8 results and Catch Up Week #2

Okay, I managed to not even look at this week’s challenge. It seems that Art Every Day Month ended and I collapsed in an art sense. haven’t done a thing. Well, except for the tiny doodle I’m going to post in a minute, and that was done in a few minutes today between housework sessions.

So yes, I have no Drawing Lab Challenge results to post this week. I’ll perhaps give it a go This coming week which is Catch Up Week #2 😀

Did you do better than me? Add your link to your efforts in Mr Linky below so I can go gaze at your work enviously.

Catch Up Week #2

This week is Catch Up Week, so this is your chance to either do those exercises you missed or couldn’t finish or go all out on one you particularly liked and whip up a master piece.

have at it!

(in the hot part of the house…welcome Summer!)


One response to “Drawing Lab Challenge #8 results and Catch Up Week #2”

  1. WrightStuff Avatar

    I didn't do it either 🙁

    Like you, when AEDM finished I was beat! Plus the temperature hasn't risen above freezing all week and there's a layer of snow on the ground so there was no way I was going out sketching in that!

    What it is to live on the other side of the world eh? I'm off to put the heating back on!