More experiments – Five centimetre paintings

Frozen rivulets, acrylic on cartridge, approx. 50 x 50 mm.

Got a chance to play with some paint again today (I should have been doing my taxes, but KJ wouldn’t go to bed, so we ended up in the backyard painting together).

This is a followup experiment from my One centimetre paintings. These ones are five centimetres square instead. Probably as big as I’d want to go.

Blue Storm , acrylic on cartridge, approx. 50 x 50 mm.

They are basically studies of colour in the small. I’m a strong believer that we miss a tremendous amount of beauty just because it is small and we aren’t looking. I love the swirls of paint and the interactions of the colours, so I’ve made these paintings very small so those aspects can be focussed on. Look at the shades of colour, see their twists and turns, things that would be missed in a normal sized painting, the small things distracted over by the extent of the work. I’m attempting to focus on the little.

These are blue because this experiment also ties in with my paper mosaic experiments, and I have an idea for my next piece.

Drawing Lab Challenge – I haven’t posted my results today because I was rudely interrupted by Izzy tonight in the middle of doing it. It is nearly 1am here and I’ve only just now managed to get her to bed. I’m posting this simply because I’m too stubborn to let it go until tomorrow. Hope you are all having better results than I.

(to bed I go)


3 responses to “More experiments – Five centimetre paintings”

  1. I haven't posted my results yet either because I haven't done my doodle! I didn't have my usual Thursday in the studio today as I accompanied my son's class on their field trip then it was a little office (paying) work and preparations for his first Halloween party of the season. I am glad we have another week to catch up!

  2. P.S. These are beauties, hard to believe they are as small as you quoted. What do you mean by a "cartridge"?

  3. Yep, catch up week will be my saviour as well.

    Thanks for your lovely comments. Cartridge paper is plain drawing paper. Most sketch pads here are made of that type of paper. You could link of it as an extra light watercolour paper, maybe. Just general usage.

    (up late again)