Category: Saturday Critters
Red-capped Plover encounters and a painting
I had the awful experience of nearly stepping on an egg.
Not a birder
I’m not a birder, well, not really. If I was to call myself one, I would then have to call myself a planter, rocker, crabber, beacher, insecter, spider-er, general bugger,….er, yeah, some of them are mis-informative and downright impolite 😀
Rainbow lorikeets
Rainbow Lorikeets are as common as mud here in South Australia. They are survivors. They’re a beautiful bird and I can remember as a kid being fascinated by them and my kids are the same, they are one of the first birds you notice growing up.
One of my favourite parrots
I’ve discovered a new community – Saturday Critters – and am excited to be able to share some of my love of wildlife.