Category: creative every day

  • Mermaid still in progress

    Just a quick update before I dash to serve up dinner. My mermaid painting from this sketch last week which I did some more of during the week and today.

  • My Creative Backyard – Creative Every Day

    My Creative Backyard – Creative Every Day

    I spent tonight tidying up my art corner in order to fit the primed boards inside the house. Since we had children and lost the two spare rooms, everything that didn’t migrate to the rubbish bin ended up out in the hobby room. The hobby room which houses two computers, a display case, four bookcases,…

  • Creative Every Day – Wreath Wattle 2

    Creative Every Day – Wreath Wattle 2

    I have to make more of an effort to do artwork every day. I’m finding that I’m blogging every day, but not so much doing the art I want to blog about, so, uh, yeah, I need to rewire my working schedule. The Creative Every Day challenge has helped me out a lot in the…

  • Creative Everyday – my first mosaic

    Here it is, the project that has been taking me that extra bit of time to finish. It is an experiment, well, for me as I haven’t done one of these before. Done totally on the fly. Beyond deciding the pallette beforehand, I just cut and stuck squares of card. This is what I came…

  • Creative Every Day – 18 Oct 2010

    I haven’t managed to create much art over the last week. Only two pieces have been completed since Sunday before last – my one-eyed monster and my answer to the Creative Tuesday challenge for this fortnight which I can’t post about until it’s due. I do have a small piece in progress as part of…

  • Creative Everyday

    I’ve joined a new challenge. This should be no surprise to anyone since I’ve managed to drown myself in the things in order to keep myself on the art track. But this one is a good laidback approach that might just keep me doing something everyday.  And this will be followed by the slightly more…