It’s all about production


In my studio this week it is all about production. I have gesso, and boards waiting for gesso, scattered across my drying racks, I have one painting and three paper mosaics in progress, and more waiting to be put online for sale. And dare I mention the crazy plans running around in my head?

While I have lots of in-progresses happening, I only have one new finished this week and that is still waiting for varnishing.

Ocean sun
Ocean sun, paper mosaic and paint on board, 200 x 200mm.

I’m starting to experiment with what I can do with this technique. This one is the reverse in colour of the previous paper mosaics I have done. I think I prefer the original design, but this does have its charm if you think of looking up from the depths of the ocean at the sun.

paper mosaics

drying racks

boards and butterfly paintings

I got some new boards cut this week. This time I went for 400 x 200mm with the idea of doing some long or tall mosaics/paintings. Of course they need preparation – sanding, three layers of gesso and more sanding, but I like the firm feel of the board, it is solid and strong and I feel that because I work with it and prepare it that I have more control over it than I do with the canvases I purchase.

Had insomnia last night so crawled into my studio at 3am and did a bunch of butterfly paintings in preparation for some more paper mosaics. As you can see above, I went a little nuts.

Last week’s painting – still in progress and having a bit of an argument with it. Regretting using the tar gel instead of the self leveling gel I usually use. I am persisting, but I don’t think it will make it to the first of the two exhibitions that are due this week. Might make the second one if I can argue it into obedience. Also, what is it with cameras that makes them unable to handle reds well? There is far more texture in the red of this painting than you can see in the photo.

red-yellow wip 4


And that is the craziness happening in my studio this week. Off now to poke the red and yellow painting a bit more and start a bigger mosaic. Don’t forget to visit the other artists at Paint Party Friday and happy Easter and PPF!

Best wishes,


16 responses to “It’s all about production”

  1. Very productive and effective Ruth. Well done. You are on to something here ! Good to see. Jenny Tuck.
    We have now opened up a wider product sales avenue, I you still wish to order.
    All for now.

  2. Hi, Jenny.

    Thanks, yes, it is like a production line in my studio at the moment and it is working well 😀

    What products are you now selling?

    Best wishes,

  3. Wonderful mosaics and just love your insomniac paintings, great! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

    1. Thanks, Valerie! Yes, if I’m awake, I might as well make use of the time 😀

      Best wishes,

  4. Lots of really interesting and varied work here.
    Love your complicated mosaics, they are something quite different with a lot of depth.

    1. Thanks, Sheila! I think the mosaics do have a whole heap of possibilities and these basic ones are just the beginning 😀

      Best wishes,

  5. This is a color feast for the eyes.I really loved the idea of paper mosaics.

    1. Thanks, Ozge! yes, I’m excited about the paper mosaic possibilities 😀

      Best wishes,

  6. Beautiful, brilliant colors in those mosaiacs, Liz. The suggestion of looking from under the sea to the sun is really spot on! The red and yellow together on the last photo looks fabulous to me.

    1. Thanks, Faye! These mosaics are such an exercise in colour theory – me playing around 😀

      Best wishes,

  7. Hi Liz! You have a very busy studio going on there. Your mosaics are amazing. I love all the colors! I also like the last painting. I agree about capturing reds in pictures. I had a hard time capturing the deep reddish-pink in my painting I posted today too. I would imagine it is hard when you are trying to sell. How does that work for you? I think your post today is awesome! I love the busy studio with all the colors and drying paintings. I will have to go out to your shop. Hugs, Rasz

    1. Hey, Rasz! I love my new studio. Hubby renovated it for me and now it works wonderfully. I’m spending Easter revelling in it 😀 I haven’t worked out the red issue with the camera yet. My camera is currently in camera hospital, so this was done on my phone. I might steal Hubby’s camera later and see how that handles the red, though from experience, I suspect it will have the same problems. I might have to research.

      I haven’t loaded everything up to my shop as yet and I have evil plans afoot as well. I’m on a deadline to two exhibitions this week plus my daughter’s birthday party next Saturday, so after that, hopefully I will have some time to photograph and upload to my shop and set up that newsletter I’m planning 😀 Mwhahahaha 😀

      Thanks for your kind comments 😀

      Best wishes,

  8. Abigail Davidson Avatar
    Abigail Davidson

    Wow! Lovely to see the process and the mosaics are gorgeous. Happy PPF!

    1. Thankyou, Abigail! I’m certainly having fun 😀

      Happy PPF!

      Best wishes,

  9. You have a wonderful art studio. Room for everything you are doing. All beautiful and so creative. I can feel the energy in your post. Have a great weekend and a Happy Easter.

  10. Thanks, Nicole! I’m totally loving my new studio. Hubby renovated it for me and I’m just revelling in it 😀

    Hope you have a great Easter weekend too!

    Best wishes,