Paint Party Friday – Gungurru Dawn

Paint Party Friday

Aaargh! I had hoped to have this finished to show for PPF, but I haven’t had time, plus there were at least two days this week where I came home from work and just crashed (well, after the evening routine with the kids, anyway, gone are the days of relaxing straight after work).


So here you have it, work-in-progress, oh, so  close to being finished. Still sorting out the leaves and the chunk of bark in the forground.

Gungurru Dawn wip


Bit of a shonky photo. It should also be noted that I started this painting a couple of years ago and I’m on a try-to-finish streak. Gungurru is a common name for Eucalyptus caesia, a beautiful silver grey gum that grows in crags in Western Australia – I just happen to have one in my garden in South Australia 😀

Happy PPF! And don’t forget to drop by at Paint Party Friday to see all the other great artworks being created.

Best wishes,


23 responses to “Paint Party Friday – Gungurru Dawn”

  1. Oh wow Liz, I would have thought it was finished if you hadn’t have said! I love the light coming though and your gum leaves and flowers are beautiful. Have a great start to your weekend

    1. Oh, thankyou, Mandy. I am quite happy with how the light source turned out. Still fiddling with leaves, haven’t quite got the light right.

      Happy PPF!

      Best wishes,

  2. Like Mandy said, I would have thought it finished too – it’s lovely with the light coming in from the horizon and the way the viewer feels they are looking through the branches and leaves.

    1. Thankyou, Nic. The atmospheric perspective has certainly been a challenge, but I think I’ve got most of it working now 😀

      Happy PPF!

      Best wishes,

  3. Lovely paintin. Great colours.
    Happy PPF ♥

    1. Thankyou, Sirkkis! Happy PPF!

      Best wishes,

  4. love that you are painting again. Always adore your beautiful plants and flowers

    1. I’ve had to make it a priority! All the web and graphic design has been taking all my time. While I enjoy both of them, I have to remember that I started this business to be a fine artist and that’s not going to happen if I don’t actually create any art 😀

      Thanks, Trish. And it is fantastic to see your art coming along so fantastically. Congrats on your latest sale!

      Best wishes,

  5. Your work is absolutely beautiful. All I can say is, “Wow!” I love it.

    1. Aww, thanks, Ginny.

      Best wishes,

  6. Such a beautiful painting. I love the contrast of the light and dark sections.

    1. Thanks, Faye! Light can be a tricky subject and it is something I try to challenge myself with. I’m almost happy with it in this one. Still some tweaking to go.

      Best wishes,

  7. Wonderful (even if it’s not done) work! I really love the lighting. It’s gorgeous 🙂

    1. Thankyou, Sal! The lighting has been a challenge, but I think I’ve almost got it this time 😀

      Best wishes,

  8. This is such a lovely (and moody) work in progress ~ love it!

    1. Thanks, Rose! It’s a challenge I think I’ve almost conquered.

      Best wishes,

  9. Nora Clemens-Gallo Avatar
    Nora Clemens-Gallo

    Gorgeous. Simply, simply GORGEOUS!!! I love that is different from most of the images I have seen about nature or landscapes. Excellent job!!

    1. Aww, thanks, Nora! This one just happened. I had a assignment to paint leaves and I just didn’t want to just do leaves. I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to do, but then that background happened and voila!

      Best wishes,

  10. Stunning work….I remember those busy days well, although hard they were worth it. One day things will slow down, thankfully!

    Hugs Giggles

  11. Finishing up a painting can be hard….I have a few I need to pull out and work on. This is a really beautiful painting just as it is.

    1. Thanks, wanda. Yeah, I have some major trouble finishing paintings. Sometimes they sit around here for years before I finally get annoyed enough to add the final strokes. It’s a thing with me 😀 but hopefully I will get there eventually.

      Best wishes,

  12. What a beautiful painting.

    1. Thanks, Erika!

      Best wishes,