About me


I thought a good place to start would be me.

Who is Liz Powley?


(Yeah, I know, I need a better photo. It is on the list 😀 )

Liz Powley…

  • Is a visual artist who is exploring all kinds of art, seeking inspiration and finding it in its multitudes.
  • Is a writer of fiction and non-fiction, and the occasional piece of rubbish.
  • Is a sci-fi nut who was geeky enough to walk down the aisle to the theme from ‘Star Trek: First Contact’. I wore a silver wedding dress, and got stuck in a rose bush half way to the altar.
  • Is a photographer who doesn’t know one lens from another, but adores her fantastic auto and macro modes…and cruises with a dash of good composition to back her up.
  • Is married to the most patient man in the world. I couldn’t ask for a more wonderful life partner or father of my children, despite his habit of leaving doors and drawers ajar all over the house.
  • Moonlights as the Library Promotions Officer in a public library. My love of art meets my love of logic and order.
  • Has the messiest desk on the planet.
  • Is the mother of two young girls, and is suitably randomly insane.
  • Is a graphic designer, a web designer, and, twice annually, a birthday cake designer.
  • Is an amateur genealogist who can trace her ancestry back to the 1700s (and in some cases, beyond).
  • Is a hooker…in the crochet sense. I rarely work from a pattern and make things up as I go along. Consequently my forte is scarves and throw rugs.
  • Is a beader and creator of jewellery of multiple kinds…many multiple kinds…I keep finding new techniques to explore!
  • Was born, bred and baked in South Australia, a place of cool winters and bushfire summers.
  • Has four universes in her head. All of which deserve a novel or two and a bunch of short stories.
  • Is absent-minded. Too much happens in my brain and some of it leaks out my ears. Consequently my short term memory is unreliable. If you think I’ve forgotten something important, please poke me.
  • Is an Australian native plant enthusiast and has an entire front garden to prove it.
  • Is synaesthesiac. I think in colour and shapes, and music has form.
  • Can cook, and used to do dinner parties for friends.
  • Is a lousy housewife.
  • Likes to stand in the rain, squelch in the mud, breathe in the wind, taste the salt spray, touch the breeze, and hear the roar of the ocean.
  • Loves the coast and the atmosphere of the wind and waves.
  • Has a wave phobia.
  • Is a moderationist. Extremism in any sense accomplishes nothing. Balance is required.
  • Is obsessive, with the attention span of a gnat.
  • Writes poetry.
  • Has a children’s book about socks planned in her brain.
  • Graduated from high school with her highest marks in Biology. The lowest were in Art, and I failed the subject.
  • Is sensitive to everything, particularly noise. Alcohol and caffeine provide particularly exciting results.
  • Is agnostic. I know just enough to know that I don’t know enough.

…is off the edge, but is learning to fly.

And if you would like something a little more serious and professional, I actually wrote up my resume and posted it to LinkedIn.

So yeah, that’s me 😀

Don’t forget to checkout the devoted bloggers at the A to Z April Blogging Challenge for some excellent reading.

Best wishes,


5 responses to “About me”

  1. What a fun way to begin the challenge, and I enjoyed this peek into you and your life.

    1. Thank you, Deborah! I’ve been away from regular blogging for a while, and since I’m hoping to meet new people through this challenge. I’ll drop by your blog tonight 😀

      Best wishes,

  2. Love your picture. Very fun! 🙂

    AtoZ SolidHappiness

    1. Thank you, Kate 😀 It was a random need to scribble moment.

      Best wishes,

  3. Glad to meet a fellow hooker Liz…in the crochet sense of course 😛 All the best for the challenge.
    Aside: I couldn’t stop laughing when I read
    “Loves the coast and the atmosphere of the wind and waves.”
    And then read
    “Has a wave phobia.”