Well, that didn’t work.

I disappeared again. I think I might have needed a break. It has been a pretty full on year until just recently. Not in a bad way, more in a fantastic, I have a lot of work – art and design work – to do. Thoroughly enjoyed it, but lots happening at once and sooner or later my body or brain will stop me…this time it was both. Couldn’t art and then I got a nasty cold and pretty much everything came to a screeching halt.

But now I’m better, the kids and hubby are getting better (colds are a family affair), and I’m getting the urge to be arty again.

Of course, just because I haven’t been arty, it doesn’t mean I’ve been idle. My front garden has had a major overhaul and actually looks like a garden for the first time in years, I’ve been dabbling in genealogy for some friends, and I’ve discovered the ultimate computer game, Minecraft. So lots of fun things happening.

Tomorrow I’m getting out my paints with a good friend and playing with my new Golden High Flow Acrylics…so we will see how the art goes from there.


And I’m experimenting with posting from my phone in order to blog more regularly, so apologies if the layout is a little wonky.

See you in art land.

Best wishes,


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