A quickie – Artful Creations Daily Blog Hop -Day 3


I’m tapping this out two fingered on my iPad from my bedroom at 11.30 at night. Why am I not using my computer? Because my studio is currently an oven. It is still 30 odd degrees celcius outside with a forecast telling us it won’t drop below 28 overnight.

And it is going to be 44C/111F tomorrow.

Also, I’ve done no art today 🙁 Unless you count the design work I did on the Libraries’ new online catalogue today. The libraries are joining a state wide consortia of public libraries and our circulation systems are being replaced with a system that connects all the libraries collections. Each library will have its own online catalogue portal, and it is my job to create the look and feel for ours. So that is what I was doing today. I also taught myself how to embed a webpage inside another using iframes. Simple, but interesting tool.

But other than daydreaming about my art from time to time today, I have done nil.

The piccy above is called Coil and was one of my first digital art experiments with DA Muro back when it was first released. I quite like it, despite its simplicity.

Hopefully I will have something more concrete to show you tomorrow, but then my working hours are just as long and it is going to be. Oiling hot…but I will try.

I hope you all had more productivity than I today.

Best wishes,
(I’ll add links and such to this post in the morning)


10 responses to “A quickie – Artful Creations Daily Blog Hop -Day 3”

  1. This is one of your first attempts?! It’s amazing – full of energy. I love it!

    1. Thank you, Wendy! I was playing around on my laptop while breastfeeding my then little baby back in 2010 and this piece happened 😀

      Thanks for your kind comments.

      Best wishes,

  2. Not every day will be productive 🙂 It’s OK. Mine isn’t shaping up to be either!

    1. My day 4 was worse, I hope yours was better 😀

      Thanks for dropping by.


  3. it is still nice to read something every day!!!!

    1. Thank you, Judy.


  4. hey Liz, sometimes we have productive days and sometimes we have quiet days. Here’s to future productive days of blissful creations 🙂

    1. Thanks, Janine. Wishing you arty days too.

      Thanks for dropping by.


  5. The Library equals Art as far as I am concerned so GREAT JOB today!!

    1. Thanks, Karrlin.

      And thanks for dropping by.
