W is for Watercolour Pencil

For a long time before I started this attempt to free up my art back in 2010, what little art I did was confined to watercolour pencil.


I used it in a very confined way. It made for great work, but very time consuming, meticulous and often unfinished work.

I think I used it because it gave me a great deal of control. Until recently, my experiences with actual paint were few and this was as close as I got to painting at all.

I did learn a lot during that time, but that time was well over ten years. I’ve done more art in the last two than I’ve done in the previous twenty.

But I still love my watercolour pencils and will probably get them out from time to time to play. But now I also have my Inktense pencils which I also adore and intend to explore.

If you would like to see some of my watercolour pencil work in its various stages, have a look at my Blue Poison Dart Frog example. Also, I found this good tutorial on how to work with watercolour pencils on YouTube.


I love the fact that you can layer on layer on layer. With Inktense pencils you can do this even more and really bring out the wonderful colours. All my pencils are Derwent.

While my watercolour pencil explorations are on hold while Inktense and watercolour paints take over my interest, I will always have a fond thought for my hardworked watercolour pencils. They’ve done a lot of work.

See all my Blogging A to Z posts!

Best wishes,



5 responses to “W is for Watercolour Pencil”

  1. Amazing….some day…I will try to be an artist. Stopping by from A to Z

    1. Thanks for dropping by 😀


  2. Wow, I never even heard of watercolour pencils before. But then again I am definately not an artist, nor could I ever be one. I can’t even draw a stick figure. 😉 Your water color drawings are truly amazing.

    1. I beg to differ, m’dear. You are an artist! Your lovely creations may not be made of paint, but they are equally creative and artistic.

      Thanks for your kind comments about my art 😀 And for dropping by to read 😀

      Best wishes,

  3. (Found you via Trish, btw.)

    These are really amazing pieces! I am a die hard for old school Watercolors. Trish (Mynx) sent me a set of the pencils (Derwent, I believe) that she is fond of. I just can’t seem to get the hang of them, though. (Yet, I LOVE Inktense, go figure.) This post has inspired me to maybe give it another go. Really tremendous art here.