S is for Stencil

I’ve only got a short post for you today. Today was a weird mix of great fun and absolute ugh. The absolute ugh consisted of two migraines, one in the morning and one in the evening (just as we were getting takeaway Thai from a great restaurant 🙁 ). But in between those ::insert expletive here:: migraines, my sister and I went to visit a good friend, Sojourner. I wasn’t running at one hundred percent and drugged up to the gills thanks to the morning’s brain strangler, but I had a good time playing around in my journal and talking art. Of course, instead of tackling my planned blog topic for today which had been ‘sgraffito’, I contented myself with playing with yesterday’s embossing  and stencilling experiments and arranging them in my journal.

I had planned to do one of two things tonight – either finish the journal page or play with some sgraffito for this blog post, but as mentioned earlier, my brain strangled me again and I went down for the count. Fortunately my Sis hung around and was able to help out with the kids tonight (not that Hubby isn’t capable of doing it by himself, he is a fantastic househubby, but it is always easier with two) while I tried not to exist in our dark bedroom.

So what do I have for the letter S tonight? Well, they were stencils yesterday… here be my half finished journal pages incorporating my stencil and embossing experiments from yesterday. I still have a few layers to add to them, they are far from complete, and if you look at the bottom !yay! on one of them, you will find the doodling half done – this is because the design turned out a little kinetic and it was making me more nauseous than I already was, so I put it on hold until later.

Yay Yay journal page 1

And now I will crawl off into a corner and hopefully sleep away the remnants of these twin brain pains. Hope you are having a good weekend!

See all my Blogging from A to Z posts!

Best wishes,


2 responses to “S is for Stencil”

  1. Very cool! Sure hope you are feeling better. Migraines are the worst!!

    1. I’m better, thanks. Takes a day or two and I spend a lot of it hoping I don’t get a recurrence as they come in pairs or more usually, but so far so good.

      Thanks for dropping by.

      Best wishes,