G is for Graffiti

Sunday Sketches

I had some great fun yesterday. Now considering the title of this post, you might wonder what I have been up to. But no, I’m far too much of a goody-two-shoes to actually go out and graffiti anything. But what I can do is a piece of artwork in the graffiti style…well, as close as a square cucumber like me can manage.

My reasons for attempting such an exercise is the fact that the latest challenge over at Art Journaling is to combine a street art theme with the colours mint green, magenta and black. They have a lovely demo over there for a technique involving a stencil and babywipes :

This great technique is by Journal Artista.

Now I did try the technique, but I don’t own any stencils, so I just used the babywipe to remove random patches of paint. One thing I did do was fall in love with the colour combination. That aqua green and bright pink is a lovely combo. The downside is that I don’t have those colours in my stash 🙁

So I had to work with the closest I have, and those were in my craft paint stash, neither my Golden or Matisse stash had anything like them. This is what I came up with:

Love by Liz PowleyLove, acrylic and gel pen in my art journal, approx. 210 x 145 mm

When I finished this I was really quite excited about it as is it my first real art journal-style art journal page. I am happy with the background effect and the goofy scribbles in the corners. In fact, I am going to throw the idea onto a canvas (when the gesso I primed it with dries for me ::waiting, waiting:: ) and see if I can come up with a painting of it. Not really within my usual forte, but hey, I’m going with the inspiration and seeing where it gets me. And I have bought some magenta and green aqua paint this morning! Oh, what a shame I had to go to the artshop…mwhahahaha!

I also did the opposite page in my journal with the same technique. Somehow it ended up like this:

Tadpoles by Liz PowleyTadpoles, acrylic in my art journal, approx 210 x 145 mm.

I’ve called it ‘Tadpoles’ mostly in bafflement for what it actually is, but it was fun to scribble down.

So yeah, I’ve had some fun with this challenge, and it hasn’t ended yet as I will now go and check my drying gesso in the hope I can throw some more paint down.

And now I’ve decided to submit this to Sunday Sketches because all the work I’ve been doing over the last couple of days has involved paint and this is as close as I’ve come to sketching anything. (I did intend on getting something more sketchy done today, but it has been paint, paint and more paint.) So make sure you drop on by the Sunday Sketches blog and check out those who are really sketching away.

For all my A to Z Challenge posts, click here!

For all my Sunday Sketches, click here!

Best wishes,
(typing with gesso’ed hands)


14 responses to “G is for Graffiti”

  1. The Love one is super fun 🙂 Alas I am not very good at drawing, but I certainly enjoy seeing others’ artwork! Fun A-Z theme!

    1. Thanks for dropping by!


  2. Greatness!! You are really making me ache to get creative with something more than words! 🙂

  3. You can paint with words as much as you can with paint.

    It really is fun splashing paint around.

    Thanks for dropping by.


  4. Your graffiti journal pages are dazzling ~ love the style, color and composition ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  5. Lovely art this week as usual! Always fun to stop by!

  6. Wonderful work. Love your journal pages! Happy Sunday Sketches

  7. Love your pages…great fun.. I’ll have to give that technique ago… looking forward to seeing your canvas… 🙂

  8. That seems like a fun technique–I can see your inspiration, even if you didn’t have to the tools to do it exactly as it’s shown. Great job on the tadpoles.

  9. love tadpoles!

  10. earthenmagic Avatar

    …wild ~ intoxicating ~ vibrant ~ thankyoU! ~ for this sunday sketches share! ~ blessed be!…

  11. Your pieces are amazing. Wow! What a great technique that looks SUPER fun! I might have to try this after I’m done preparing for my show. 🙂

  12. Hi Liz
    I’ve recently started using the baby wipe technique. Love it. You can get such subtle backgrounds. Love the art journal page. You are starting to get the hang of this ‘I have no idea how it’s gonna turn out, but let’s do it anyway’ way of art journalling 🙂

  13. […] couple of days ago I posted G is for Graffiti where I mentioned my first art journal page. It was based on street art and a technique […]