My art journalling attempt

Sunday Sketches

This week I’m posting my first attempts at art journalling. This is something I’ve wanted to try for some time, but I’m finding it hard to actually do. I’ve done art all my life, but beyond the sketching I did as a child, it has always been to draw up to a fianl piece…you know, the type you frame and hang on a wall. The idea of drawing just for the sake of drawing…the last time I did that must have been before puberty.

But there is a movement out there, mostly a female movement, where art is done for the sake of art and these beautiful books are being created that tell tales of the artists. So I thought I would give it a go.

I’ve been hanging around Art Journalling for a little while and they recently started up a challenge…you know me, I can’t resist a challenge. So here are my first attempts.

Art Journal Attempt Page 1A book has gotta have a title page

Full of mistakes, no polishing, text all wonky. Those smudges are my fingerprints.

Art Journal Attempt page 2And my first challenge answer (The Simpsons belong to Twentieth Century Fox, I’m just scribbling)

The challenge was to do with cowboys, a topic way out of my usual art zone. Of course, I had to take a not obvious tack, and despite copyright restrictions, I had to scribble the above down. Too bad I gave Bart unintentional glasses 😀

One thing that was interesting is that I did the both of these with my Inktense pencils and then ran some random water strokes over the top of them. I think this is a technique I might explore further with linework. It has some interesting possibilities.

In other news, I started a new painting yesterday! I had a fantab time. Hubby took the kids for part of the day and let me play.

Chilli painting 1 in progressChilli Plant painting 1 in progress

I’ve done a little more of this since the photo and it is looking a little better, enough to get me excited and wanting to do more. Unfortunately, I won’t have any time in the next few days 🙁

The story behind this one is…I had a bunch of chillis self seed in one of our pot plants last year and they have the most beautiful colours. I meant to take some piccies and I never did. This year, I’ve been taking lots of photos. They haven’t turned orange or red yet, but we have some great purples. I might do several paintings (depending on how this one turns out).

Don’t forget to go visit all the wonderful artists over at Sunday Sketches. There is an ocean of talent out there.

Anyway, must dash…screaming children.

(who had other stuff to babble about, but have to go)


19 responses to “My art journalling attempt”

  1. Love your journal page ~ it is so freeing to play art instead of always headed towards a final goal ~ don’t ya think? ~ Lovely wip painting ~ colors are awesome ~ thanks ~ namaste, carol ^_^ linked w/ SS

    1. I find it hard to play with my art. It is something I’m trying to get myself to do more often. I’m always concerned with the outcome rather than the process. I’m learning slowly 😀

      Thanks for your kind words.


  2. Wow your painting is absolutely gorgeous..beautiful work!

    1. Thanks so much, Victoria.


  3. I love your script for your journal and the orange background. May i ask how your did that?

    Your take on cow boy is fun. Yea, so nice of your hubby to give you time to paint.

    1. Hi, Tammie.

      Sorry for the delay in replying. You can find the technique and a video here – It is bubble painting a fun texture I’ve been exploring for a while now. The full written tutorial can be found here –

      Yes, I have a wonderful Hubby. Couldn’t ask for a better one.

      Thank you for your kind comments.

      Best wishes,

  4. I love the idea of the art journal–sometimes it’s refreshing to step away from the self-induced pressure of coming up with some masterpiece every time you sit down to create and just…. create.

    I also love the job you did on the painting-the bulbs look incredibly vibrant, and it’s a great depiction of the original photo. And how cool that you’re hubby’s so supportive.

    1. I’m fighting the ‘masterpiece syndrome’ with a little success. It is the main reason why I started up the journal. I’ll just keep on trying 😀

      The chilli painting has a long way to go. Hopefully I’ll manage to do some more of it tomorrow.

      Thanks for visiting and leaving such lovely feedback.

      Best wishes,

  5. Ha ha! I love The Simpsons and that floral is just beautiful! Such vibrant colors and detail!

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. I love colour can’t get enough of it.


  6. Welcome back to SS! 🙂 I love your journal pages. Keep it up girl! 🙂 And your painting is amazing! You’re artwork has always impressed me.

    Sorry for delay in responding. Internet issues. Grr. 😀

    1. Yay, Sophia. I always love to see your name on my blog 😀

      Thanks so much for your kind comments. You’re feeding my paintbrush 😀

      Best wishes,

  7. Love your art journal page! I had in mind to start one months ago, but have not gotten around to it yet. Life keeps getting in the way!

    1. Life is annoying like that. Mine strangles my art on a regular basis. I don’t know how long I will be able to keep up the journal, but I’m trying to not pressure myself because that will kill it off immediately.

      Thanks for visiting and leaving a lovely comment.

      Best wishes,

  8. Welcome to the world of art journalling! It’s something I’ve been doing for a couple of years, now. It helps me work out what on earth is going on in my life some days. I love that using prompts makes you think outside your normal box and forces you to create in new ways. Remember, it’s about the process not necessarily the final result.

    1. When I think of art journalling, I think of you 😀

      This is something that doesn’t seem to come naturally to me…or it did but has been beaten out of me by schooling or society or some other excuse 😀

      Thanks for being your inspirational self. You are part of the reason why I’m giving this a go.


  9. Love the chili plant painting!

    I suspect the journal will serve you well. It’s a safe place to stretch, experiment, discover and grow.

    You know, there was a time when art for art’s sake was enough. Ditto that for science. Here and now, everything seems to serve another end. Good on you for the journaling, and honoring to your talent.

    Thanks for the blog!

    1. Hi, Joe.

      Thanks so much 😀 I’m hoping I can find a way to keep it meditational rather than worrying about the result. We’ll see, i guess.

      And thank you for your lovely comments, you feed my brush 😀

      Best wishes,

  10. […] in paint before. So challenge! I started with a sketch yesterday and once I’ve finished my chilli painting from last week (I’m working on it now, it is a beautiful day out there today), I’m hoping to get my […]