Mixed media – paint and beads

Paint Party Friday

I haven’t had much time this week (story of my life on all fronts), but I have done a little work on KJ’s accordian book. The insides have been started and I have continued working on the covers, for the first time truly branching into mixed media as I’ve added some beads.

KJs accordian book cover wip 2

Still extremely work-in-progress as who knows what it is going to look like when it is finished (gotta love that way of working, it gives a whole new freedom to my art).

KJs accordian book cover wip 2 closeup

There are three types of beads here that I found in my art cupboard. I’ve ‘glued’ them in with a liberal dollop of Golden Artists Clear Granular Gel medium, which I then spread down the length of the star spikes.

I am using all Golden Artist products for this project as I’ve been recommended them repeatedly and I am slowly equipping myself by importing them from the US (something I am able to do only because of the value of the Australian dollar at the moment, pre-recession I wouldn’t have even dreamt of doing it as it would have been twice the price)

I’ve still got a lot of experimenting to do in this project. I have to see if the beads will keep their sheen with a coat of gloss gel on top. I have to work the foreground into the background more to firm up the composition. Eh, still a way to go yet, but I thought I would share this WIP moment for Paint Party Friday. Don’t forget to go check out all the great artists over there.

(life is a work in progress)


19 responses to “Mixed media – paint and beads”

  1. Wow! What amazing texture! So cool!
    Happy PPF!

  2. WOW…love it…it’s so magical! Happy PPF! POP ART MINIS

  3. yeah – pretty damn cool!


  4. Awesome creation ~ so unique and great texture ~thanks ~ namaste, Carol ~ Happy PPF ^_^ (Share the Creative Journey)

  5. Hi, am already loving your mixed media piece with the great colour and wonderful beads. Happy PPF, Annette x

  6. It’s so beautiful already! The color and texture of the background is stunning and the beads are working really well.

  7. this is just beautiful,, really beautiful,,

  8. This is great! It’s like you’ve managed to capture soap bubbles forever!

  9. lovely mixed media! Great colour.

  10. CAROL SAMSEL Avatar

    SWEET! love the dimension

  11. Ohhhhh shiney and pretty! Great texture…and did I mention….ohhhh shiney…ohh pretty? Happy PPF!

  12. Love your beads, how fun. Looking forward to the finishing. Happy PPF!

  13. Looking great so far! The beautiful beads are a lovely addition.

  14. A wonderful piece with very calming feel … lovely!

  15. Love the effect the beads create. Beautiful 🙂

  16. This is such fun, creating a dimensional star with beads….really quiet beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing your technique with us. : )

  17. Wow, what a cool medium! Looks very other worlddy!

  18. geckostone Avatar

    Oh this is fascinating! What a spectacular photo the close up made! Thats a piece of art in itself! Very cool work! Deb

  19. So kyool with the beads adding both iridescent color and texture! 🙂 :>