My photography

My photography has been neglected of late, mainly because I’m not getting out of the house as much as I used to and I’d like a new camera. Consequently, there has been hardly any mention of it here on my blog.

So I thought I’d remedy that by doing a short post on some of my attempts at taking a decent picture.

I’m an amateur, by far. I have a wonderful digital camera, well, it was wonderful in 2002 when I spent a huge pile of money on it. Wow, thinking of the $1500 I spent then and comparing to what I could get for that now…yowser.

Anyways, my meagre equipment is a Nikon Coolpix 4500 (4MP, 4x zoom). Other than a UV filter added to the lens, I have no other equipment with it (though I would love a zoom lens). Not that I would really know what to do with such equipment anyway, because I’m very much a point and shoot, love my auto mode, dibble with the macro mode kind of piccimaker. I wouldn’t know an F-stop if I was hit over the head with it. I know what an aperture is, but I’m not too sure exactly what to do with it, and my lens is that thing I tend to get fingerprints on if I’m not careful.

But I do know one thing and I rely on it like crazy. I can compose a piccy. So with that and the digital capability to take umpteen zillion shots, I can often come up with something that looks okay.

My favourite topics include bugs, flowers, and natural landscapes. I’ve been known to stand on a beach for three hours waiting for the sun to set because I knew it was going to be a brilliant sunset (and it was a brilliant one, the wait was very much worth it). I’ve perched on the edge of a sea cliff in the rain to take a picture of a beetle. I’ve stood in the rain a lot, come to think of it. Seems to be a good time for a good shot.

So here are some examples of my dabblings.

Eagle Bay, Western Australia
Eagle Bay, Western Australia


Rejuvenating forest - Port Lincoln National Park
Rejuvenating forest, six months post-bushfire, Port Lincoln National Park, South Australia


Man running - Piccaninnie Ponds Beach
Man running, Piccaninnie Ponds Beach, South Australia-o


Sun orchids - Mount Crawford Forest
Sun orchids, Mount Crawford Forest, South Australia


Green Bay - Western Australia
Green Bay, Western Australia


Tree - Eastern Victoria, Australia
Tree, Eastern Victoria, Australia


Banksia hookerana flower detail
Banksia hookerana, flower detail, my front yard, Adelaide, South Australia


Sunset - Piccaninnie Ponds Beach
Sunset, Piccaninnie Ponds Beach, South Australia


Eremophila buds, my front yard, Adelaide, South Australia


Brighton jetty
Brighton Jetty, Brighton Beach, South Australia


There you go, a good array of the types of piccies I like to take. Hopefully I will be able to get out a bit more in the next couple of years and take some more.

(whose old faithful camera has been taking baby piccies more than anything else for the last three years)


6 responses to “My photography”

  1. Oh yes, you definitely have a talent for composition, loved seeing your photographs, especially because it gives a feel for where you live. My favorite is the banksia. 🙂

    1. Wow, thanks, that means a lot coming from you 😀 If you like the Bamksia you might like this – I did a photographic essay on the bush that used to live in my frontyard. Fascinating plant.

      (playing with paint today)

  2. Wow, Nutty–for an “amateur, by far” you sure do capture gorgeous compositions. Loved the rejuvenating forest colours, and of course oceans and flow’rs are always beautiful. Great job! These are coffee table book-worthy. More, please. (You inspire me.)

  3. These are AMAZING! Not amateur at all!

  4. Your pictures are incredible! I can’t say enough that you should get on out there and take more so that you can share them. Very beautiful colors and the subjects you have picked are so darn interesting!!

  5. Beautiful series of shots Liz. I am so glad you shared them on 1000 words for Summer project Pinterest board. they are great.