Sunday Sketches from the week of funk

I’ve only got dud sketches for this week’s Sunday Sketches. Last week was a funk week so very little was done.

First up we have an attempt to answer last week’s Illustration Friday prompt of ‘deja-vu’. I had a concept, but my brain wouldn’t supply me with an image to fully communicate what I was trying to say. This sketch is as far as it got, the concept being centred around ‘goldfish memory’ (or lack thereof) and deja-vu.


The second attempt to do something arty was using the Flying Spark. The challenge for that particular day was ‘eyes’, so I thought I’d attempt a zentangle using a pattern of eyes. I lost interest in it and put it aside intending to go back to it, but my eldest daughter got to it with her pencils. I may revisit the concept, but this piece of work is dead. It may only be lead pencil, but fineliner paper doesn’t let you erase very well and it is just not worth it.

Zentangle eyes

So that was the extent of my art, bar my carbon paper experiments, last week. Fortunately today I got all enthusiastic about my acrylic paints and started a new series of experiments with flow medium…with mixed results. Hopefully I will get some decent art out of that line of exploration.

(hunting inspiration down with a knife)


16 responses to “Sunday Sketches from the week of funk”

  1. Your sketches are wonderful (funk or not). I love that goldfish sketch… it would be great to pair that up with your bubble experiments somehow!


  2. I love both – the fish are hilarious!
    cheers, dana

  3. oh he he he, love the goldfish “have we met,” too funny!!! A cool idea with eyes, too. Enjoy your sunday! xxoo

  4. Your sketches are great, I love the fish, how funny is that. Thanks for the laugh.

  5. The sketch with the fishes is so cute, and the ‘eyes’ are very creative.

  6. I don’t think their dud sketches at all!! LOVE that fishy tank. 🙂

    Happy SS!!

  7. Love what you were beginning with the eyes… and the goldfish bowl is wonderful.

  8. I like the concept of the goldfish. Do you think that’s true or is it an urban myth. For years I believed you could see the Great Wall of China from space, but of course you can’t! Like the eye doodles too – I can see you could create something really interesting from this concept – just don’t leave them lying around!!

  9. I think you did a fabulous funky job this week. The goldfish are funny and the eyes look neat. I did a zentangle with eyes once and loved the result.

  10. love the idea of deja vu in a fish bowl.
    wonderful eyes too~

  11. Love the gold fish sketch! I just laughted—it is so fun!

  12. I love your sketches. I especially like the eye one. That could be a very interesting consept. I like it alot!!! I would keep on working on it. Great idea.

  13. Hi there, I too really like your goldfish sketch! I struggled with that illustration Friday prompt and didn’t end up doing it, but love your take on it!!! :0)

    Thank you for your visit and your kind words! :0)

  14. Hi Nutty!
    Lovely to visit you over here! You have been busy!Looks great!
    Your goldfish sketch is great too!!:) Aaaah, and I know that feeling all too well of having little people add their own detail to your work…..if its not pencil then its grubby greasy finger marks! :)Gotta love them!!

  15. I love the goldfish – a great sketch :o)

  16. The fish are so great – love the “Have we met” makes the sketch!