Art Not-Quite-Every Day Month & Drawing Lab Challenge results – catch up week

Okay, I blew it today. Busy all day, visitors, a trip to the doc’s for Izzy (she’s fine), and I traded my last little bit of doodle time for a shower. I did start a doodle, but barely had time to do anything and I’m exhausted. So no art today 🙁

So, why am I posting? Cos I wanna ::grin:: So here is a piece I prepared earlier…about five years earlier.

Blue Grass Lily, soft pastel on black pastel paper.

Those of you who have been following me since the Creative Colour Challenge might know that I’m a recent learner of the soft pastel medium. Well, here is my first ever pastel drawing (and first time drawing on a black background, too). According to my journal of the time, it took me an hour and a half back in 2005. Five years ago? I thought I said I was new? I am (though not at talking to myself :D). I did a small amount of experimenting back then, a handful of half finished drawings. Then I got pregnant in 2007 and didn’t touch the things again until June this year.

And I kinda like this little sketch. Just thinking now what I could do with the same subject with all my recent experience….hmmm, might be worth playing with.

Drawing Lab Challenge – how did you all do? Did you manage to catch up or expand on a previous Lab experiment? I did some doodling with lots and lots of swirls which caught me up on Challenge #4, but I haven’t revisited anything.

Tomorrow a new Lab Challenge. I hope those of you doing Art Every Day Month can weave it into your schedules.

(sleep is an inconvenience)


4 responses to “Art Not-Quite-Every Day Month & Drawing Lab Challenge results – catch up week”

  1. I just posted my doodle in the flickr group. It's been nutso (gumnutso) these last few weeks. With the exception of Christmas coming, I'm hoping things are evening out now.

  2. Beautiful colors in the pastel. When you have a teething small child even small efforts count.
    Sometimes the starting and taking the time to reflect is as much a creative act as a full painting. You did spark my interest in the drawing lab challenge. I am off to check it out.

  3. This is beautiful. The pastels create a beautiful effect.
    Kat 🙂

  4. Jenny Blair Avatar
    Jenny Blair

    🙂 I love how you traded art for a shower!! Sometimes personal hygiene wins heehee!
    Your lily is just stunning,it completely jumps off the page..what a talent you have :)x