Category: informative

  • Tolderol Game Reserve & Milang

    Tolderol Game Reserve & Milang

    It was like discovering Christmas.

  • 5 Tactics to Free up your Art

    5 Tactics to Free up your Art

    I wanted to free up my art. I wanted to be able to art like I could write – fast, well and inspired.

  • Exploring paper mosaics

    Exploring paper mosaics

    I had a great day today. I held a paper mosaics workshop at Goodwood Library. Eleven eager artists attended and had a good time. I gave a quick rundown on tools and materials and let them have at it 😀 It was great fun to see the different interpretations and experimenting going on and I…

  • Goodies in the post

    Some time ago I received an email from Golden Paints. Yes, the guys who make our wonderfully lush acrylics and mediums.

  • Faceless

    This is a quick shout out for Gallery One!

  • Persistance is not futile

    None of us were born with a pencil and Leonardo da Vinci’s art education – not even Leonardo himself. Yet, many of us, including me, oggle at the masters’ artworks and grumble about how we can never be that good. Do we ever see the blood, sweat and tears behind those masterpieces? Do we know…

  • Gathering photos

    Since my first digital camera back in 2002, I have been gathering photos. Whenever we went out, travelled on holiday or simply wandered around the garden, my camera hasn’t been far from me. More recently with the increasing capabilities of the smart phone camera, I’ve had its basic capabilities at hand even closer. And then…

  • Kookaburra

    Kwik and kwirky tonight. This be a kookaburra. This be an earworm to any and all Aussies (and, according to Wikipedia, a good percentage of the world at large). ‘Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree Merry, merry, king of the bush is he. Laugh, kookaburra, laugh, kookaburra, Gay your life must be.’ And the…

  • Designing logos

    Today was spent designing logos. Multiple logos, all for one client, so they have a choice. So for today’s post I thought I’d write up how to go about designing a logo, what makes a good logo, and how I go about it. First up, what is a logo? Generally speaking a logo is a…

  • How to finish an acrylic painting – part II

    How to finish an acrylic painting – part II

    In my last post about this I spoke about the procedure as a whole, with a few whys chucked in for good measure. Here I would like to talk about the nitty gritty how.