Category: zentangle
A swirling zentangle and a beautiful fly
I finally got my grotty hands on a white pen that will write on black. I’ve been wanting to get one for some time, but when you have small children, shopping can sometimes be happenstance and I haven’t happened to be in the right place to purchase one until yesterday. This isn’t what I bought…
Wind sculpted trees
More Art Every Day Month 😀 These were done in the last hour or so of the day today. The rest of the day was spent being mother and napping to catch up the sleep I was missing from last night when Izzy was sick (she’s okay now, touch wood). But anyways, I was really…
AEDM – Day 5 and Drawing Lab Challenge #5
Hmm, a convergence of fives 😀 Today’s art was just as scarce as my previous two, except the one doodle I managed to start and poke at for the previous two days has now been completed. Wind, pen on fineliner paper, approx. 200 x 100 mm. Back in 2006, Hubby and I went on the…
Art Every Day Month – Day 3
Didn’t have a very good day today. Izzy was teething and unsettled so I had to attend to her, so KJ got bored and destructive, I got angry and frustrated…it wasn’t a good time. So there wasn’t much art done. The only thing I managed was a doodle at the last minute in front of…
Drawing Lab Challenge – #4 Results and fifth week catch up
Okay, I flunked badly this week. Left it to the last minute and that minute was smothered by the children and the pile of necessary things that need to be done. But! This week is Catch Up Week. This is the time to have a go at any of the exercises you missed from the…