Category: photography
Not a birder
I’m not a birder, well, not really. If I was to call myself one, I would then have to call myself a planter, rocker, crabber, beacher, insecter, spider-er, general bugger,….er, yeah, some of them are mis-informative and downright impolite 😀
The Little Blue Lake
I love maps. I can stare at them for hours, particularly when I’m planning to go somewhere new.
Rainbow lorikeets
Rainbow Lorikeets are as common as mud here in South Australia. They are survivors. They’re a beautiful bird and I can remember as a kid being fascinated by them and my kids are the same, they are one of the first birds you notice growing up.
Corny Point and Cap Clairout
Back in 2014 I revived an old vague interest of mine in geology…and then made it anything but vague (I’m blaming a combination of Minecraft and jewellery making for this sudden craze). I read a pile of publications specifically about South Australian geology, firstly focusing on the Yorke Peninsula and then on the Fleurieu Peninsula.…
One of my favourite parrots
I’ve discovered a new community – Saturday Critters – and am excited to be able to share some of my love of wildlife.
Five Favourite Beaches
I thought I would post Five Favourite Things of mine. Of course, one of my favourite things is beaches, so here be my five favourite beaches…in no particular order 😀