Category: painting

  • Speeding up the painting

    Speeding up the painting

    After a long drought on the painting scene (I’ve been beading instead), I finally jumped back into my acrylics with a couple of little paintings.

  • Exhibitions


    This is the state of my hallway at the moment.

  • Stare II

    Stare II

    First completed painting of 2016 on the first day!

  • They all end up as mermaids

    They all end up as mermaids

    I’ve completed another painting. This one took on a life of its own and ended up quite different from what I had intended. It seems that I always end up painting mermaids.

  • Four paintings and two exhibitions

    Four paintings and two exhibitions

    After a year of not much painting, but a whole pile of web design and graphic design, I finally cracked a month ago and determinedly put my painting at the top of the priority pile. Consequently I now have a backlog of work to catch up on, but I do have four paintings that have…

  • The Case of the Annoying Portrait

    This is a story of a portrait that just wouldn’t behave.

  • Dragons

    Since about December last year, this household has been alive with Dragons. Dreamworks Dragons to be exact. Myself, and both my two girls have been madly watching every little bit of this world we can get our hands on, particularly my youngest who recently had her fifth birthday and a Dreamworks Dragons party to celebrate.…

  • Creating a painting – Part 1

    Creating a painting – Part 1

    I’ve just started a new painting. This isn’t anything new for me, I start paintings all the time, but it suddenly occurred to me that it might be interesting to document the process from the beginning.

  • Retrospective – Doin’ the Van Gogh

    So I discovered Vincent van Gogh. I read about his life several times, stared at his art, considered his philosophy, and realised that the great painters were just like any of us, products of their time, with perhaps a little more mind altering substances at hand.

  • Retrospective – Visiting with Vincent

    I’m not a follower, but neither am I a leader. I’m that black sheep in a sea of white who cuts across all the orderly lines and spins them into swirls. I’m the one who when told to do something, immediately wants to do the opposite.