I have made several kumihimo bracelets of my new design and will likely make some more, but in the meantime my brain has wandered off with a design I have had in mind for a couple of years now and have now finally actioned.
I have created some kumihimo hoop earrings.

I’m quite excited about these as I love the patterns kumihimo can create and this is a fantastic way to showcase them. Not to mention the lovely colours of Three Trees Fibre Crafts gorgeous hand-dyed yarn 🙂
I have plans to add more of these, but for the moment, I’ve had to stop creating to add these to my shop 🙂 They will be live soon, probably tomorrow.
It turns out that I have a back log of items to add to my shop (85 pieces of jewellery!) and I have a lot of work ahead of me, photographing and uploading. But it is happening. I know there are 85 items because I spent most of today boxing and adding them to my stocklist. The creating part is so much more fun than the selling part 🙂 I need to sell some stuff so I can buy more materials to make more stuff – really, it’s an endless addictive cycle.
Many thanks to all of you who have been supporting my crazy design fest over the last few weeks. I’ve been a little nuttier than usual, but I’ve made lots of stuff 🙂
(surrounded by little jewellery boxes)