30 Days of creativity: Day 1 – sprinkling a mermaid

30 days of creativity

Today was filled with work and a mad dash to an important deadline…which I managed to make with ten minutes to spare…YEAH! If I wanted to be pedantic, I could say that creating an online newsletter and playing with graphics all days fulfills my creativity quota for today, but since I’m allotting this challenge to my artwork outside of work…well, not so much.

So after getting the kids to bed late, I spent half an hour playing with glitter and poking at my mermaid. I’m really wanting to get some work finished in this challenge. I have too many WIPs crowding up my studio and I would just like to sign a few of them off…starting with my daughter’s mermaid painting. So I started there and wanting to give the painting more texture and depth, I got out some glitter and walked the line between elegant and tacky.


You can’t see much in this photo, but then I haven’t done that much to show. Just a sprinkle of glitter across the water, her hair and tail with a spangly bra.

I haven’t even done enough to submit it to Paint Party Friday, which I have missed for the second consecutive week 🙁  But drop on over there anyway and see the artists who did make it this week, there is some fantab art out there.

Best wishes,